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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Study: Banning Sugary Drinks in Food Stamps Could Slash Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes

Prohibiting federal food stamp dollars from being used to buy sodas and sugary beverages could slash obesity and Type 2 diabetes in recipients, claimed a new study in Health Affairs.

Modeling from a sample of 19,000 Americans receiving benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), researchers found a ban on soda and sugary beverages would be more effective in combating obesity-related diseases than giving recipients an extra 30 cents for every $1 spent on fruits and vegetables.

The soda ban would prevent some 141,000 children and another 281,000 from becoming obese, said the study authors from Stanford University and the University of California. They noted it would also reduce Type 2 diabetes, which typically results from obesity, by 2.3 percent in adults receiving food stamps.



  1. I agree soda candy chips cake and pastries all lead to diabetes. Hope the gov changes this system to be more like the WIC program. Strictly regulated, allow only healthy foods.

  2. Damn.. here we go again. Ban food stamp users from Soda... we can't stop them from trading the damn things for drugs or stop the stores from just giving cash and we are going to waste tax payer $$$ on the BS... Move to New York if you really want to be told how much soda you can have.. my gosh...

  3. Too bad you can't ban stupid.

  4. There's a whole bunch of stuff that should not be allowed to be purchased with food stamps. This would be a good start towards moving these folks to a healthier lifestyle.

    Drug and means test them first - alcohol, tobacco, drugs, pets, iPhones, and 22" rims should be instant disqualifiers.

  5. Controlling peoples behavior is the Democrat way.

  6. Notice the use of the word "could". Never happen...

  7. Give them bread and water. They'll survive.

  8. There is nothing wrong with controlling their behavior if they are spending your money. The problem will be enforcing those limitations on how they can spend it.

  9. Hey, if you want to eat and drink whatever you want, then use your own money to buy it..If you're using MY money to buy it, I'll tell you what I'll let you buy with it.

    It's really that simple.

  10. You can be telling me what to be buying at the store...

  11. Make them work like the rest of us have had to do to get what we need each day, rather than learning to live off of the "system"!!! Living off the system starts at a very young age, and as they bring up their offsprings they are taught as well. Something has got to be done with "all" of the "free" things they are getting. Bottom line: Make them Get off of their lazy butts and get a "J O B"!!!

  12. And banning food stamps and welfare would reduce the national debt... Sounds like a much better plan to me.

  13. "Supplemental NUTRITION Assistance Program".

    What's so "nutritious" about sodas? They should never been allowed to be bought with FOOD stamps in the first place.

  14. on assistance... should be told what they can eat. No Lobster, Crabs, Junk Food or Sugar Drinks...................


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