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Sunday, June 15, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor loses Virginia GOP primary

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor loses Virginia GOP primary in a stunning upset to Tea Party-backed challenger Dave Brat, The Associated Press reports.

From Fox News


  1. Good we need to replace all incumbants.

  2. Don't reelect anybody ever. They are all crooks and thief's so one term is enough for any of them.

  3. Clear out the pool, its time for adult swim!

  4. Great to see a career politician shown the door. Outspent Brat 5M to 120K and still lost!

  5. Wow! Great. WONDERFUL.

  6. This is because the grass roots conservatives are sick and tired of politicians lying to them. Just because they register under "R" doesn't make them conservatives. The conservatives had better not let their guard down tho. As soon as the "Tea Party" gains enough steam to put a significant number of ppl in office, they will likely become corrupt as well. Bribed by money and promising anything to keep enough votes to stay in office. Thats what Cantor did...compromised his conservative values hoping to get some borderline votes to swing his way. Shame on him! now he's out of a job.

  7. Let us remember one thing guys and gals. If we leave the current crook in place we only have to support one crook for the rest of his life. If we keep reelecting new crooks the number of crooks we have to support will grow quickly. Only one term qualifies each crook for very good medical insurance and a fat pension. For life. I am speaking of the House and Senate of the United States only. They are all crooks, and if they go in as a good guy the temptations quickly turn them into crooks.

  8. Now lets hope Brat comes with a campaign based on logical fact-based analysis of the issues, not simple hyperbole and red meat for the base.

  9. Now he can come out of the closet.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Good we need to replace all incumbants.

    June 10, 2014 at 8:51 PM

    Not good because this unknown is vulnerable to the Democrat. The Republicans in Virginia have lost their mind and that was proven when they didn't support the Republican Candidate for Governor. Now look at the Obama loving POS they have now.

  11. Now thats what America is all about.

  12. Great news... BUT Beware, King Barry will start using his pen to craft Executive Orders like he never has before... Cantor was a supporter of Immigration reform and now the King will have to move outside of the congress.... Stop hiring illegals and STOP doing business with companies who hire illegals. This means you, there are a ton of them in the Safe State of the Republic of Maryland and around Salisbury.

  13. I am playing the "Happy Song" in my head!

  14. Proof that the liberal media's coverage of the death of the Tea Party was propaganda.

  15. Hey Eric Cantor WE THE PEOPLE ever heard of us?

  16. He'll probably run for President now.


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