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Sunday, June 15, 2014


On June 11, 2014, a Wicomico County jury convicted Alexander Dewight Stevens, age 34, of Salisbury, Maryland, of possession with the intent to distribute cocaine and possession with the intent to distribute marijuana. Following the jury trial, a Wicomico County Circuit Court judge sentenced Stevens to 10 years in the Maryland Division of Corrections for the cocaine offense. That 10 year sentence represented a mandatory minimum, non-parole eligible sentence based upon Stevens’ status as a subsequent offender. Stevens had previously been convicted of possession with the intent to distribute cocaine in 2009. Under the count related to possession with the intent to distribute marijuana, Stevens was sentenced to 5 years. That 5 year active sentence was ordered to be served consecutive to the 10 year sentence imposed for the cocaine offense.

Stevens had been pending charges related to a drug investigation conducted by members of the Salisbury Police Department’s Safe Streets Unit and members of the Maryland State Police Gang Enforcement Unit. This investigation culminated in the issuance of a search and seizure warrant for Stevens’ person and residence. During surveillance prior to execution of the search warrant, investigators observed Stevens leave his residence while carrying a black backpack and enter into a cab. The cab was immediately stopped and the same black backpack was found resting between Stevens’ legs. Investigators searched the black backpack pursuant to the search warrant and officers recovered a Crown Royal bag. Inside of the Crown Royal bag, investigators recovered and seized a large amount of powder cocaine, crack cocaine and marijuana packaged and ready for street-level distribution.

Wicomico County State’s Attorney Matthew A. Maciarello commended the Salisbury Police Department’s Safe Streets Unit and the Maryland State Police Gang Enforcement Unit for their work in the investigation and prosecution of this case. Mr. Maciarello also thanked James L. Britt who prosecuted Stevens.


  1. 5 years for selling some weed that grows out of the ground--Wow

    I guess matt maciarello and james britt think colorado's governor should be in prison too

  2. 8:47 They don't make the laws, they just enforce them.

  3. I don't know that Colorado's governor should be in prison, but that crap is going to cause more problems than a few and it already has.

  4. 9:04 Guess we should outlaw alcohol too?

  5. I'm glad he really got hammered for the coke sale....as close as we are to legalizing weed.....

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8:47 They don't make the laws, they just enforce them.

    June 12, 2014 at 9:01 AM

    bullcrap. they enforce the ones they want to enforce, on those they wish to enforce them upon.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I don't know that Colorado's governor should be in prison, but that crap is going to cause more problems than a few and it already has.

    June 12, 2014 at 9:04 AM

    yeah like tons of tax monies from the sale of pot. THAT'S what it is really about.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm glad he really got hammered for the coke sale....as close as we are to legalizing weed.....

    June 12, 2014 at 9:14 AM

    how many remember when cocaine was legal in THIS country?

  9. 9:08 - Why are you so pro drug and alcohol use? They both cause nothing but problems and heartache for friends and families of the users.

  10. ur right 9:39. matt maciarello is proud to announce that taxpayers are spending $100,000, in just one case, to keep the evil crappy weed off the street while colorado governor announces taxpayers are set to receive 100 million from the sale of the same product.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:08 - Why are you so pro drug and alcohol use? They both cause nothing but problems and heartache for friends and families of the users.

    June 12, 2014 at 9:53 AM

    Maybe he is more pro-choice than he is allowing others to dictate what other people can and can not do?

  12. 10:41 AM

    It's all a joke started by Nixon. The police and justice system have harmed more people and ruined more lives than pot ever could. They like to tell us pot is evil, but it is very beneficial to us, why else would our own government have a patent on it.

    And hemp seeds are the most complete food there is.

  13. Excellent work! Lock up all the dirtbags.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Excellent work! Lock up all the dirtbags.

    June 12, 2014 at 12:50 PM

    They are finally beginning to. A cop just got sentenced to prison this week. Not nearly enough but it's a start.

  15. 9:53-
    Coke and weed are not a problem and do not ruin the lives of normal people who only use them once in awhile. Just like alcohol. If you drink every weekend or a few times a month, you're probably a drunk and don't even know, you won't know till you try to not drink at all.

    All in moderation.

  16. Sounds like he had a public defender.

  17. You people actually defend a drug dealer?
    Way to go Matt

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You people actually defend a drug dealer?
    Way to go Matt

    June 12, 2014 at 9:38 PM

    Yes, we would even defend YOU.


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