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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Pollitt Proposes A Dead Man To Serve On A Board In Wicomico County

It has been said and is probably true the the liberal democrats will push to get anyone to vote, even dead people. Now Wicomico County wants them to serve on management boards. 

On Pac 14 last Tuesday night the County Executive's Office presented an agenda to the county council that comprised of resolutions for the appointment of managers for the tax ditches in Wicomico County. 

Included in one of the appointments was a man that is deceased. 

Now we would assume that with the price the taxpayers are paying for staffing the Executive's Office and also a law office that a mistake like this would not happen. Maybe they should do more research in the future.


  1. Is the deceased buried in a 'tax ditch'? He then might want to have a say in it!

  2. What difference does it make? lol

  3. Maybe Pollet will give him CPR.

  4. I have to agree. These people are stupid.

  5. Did the deceased appointee pass away Tuesday morning? Mr. Pollit should have verified all names before announcing anything. What a freaking joke. Waiting until we can move out of MD.

  6. Did he leave an absentee ballot for all upcoming elections?

  7. Maybe if Theresa was appointed to serve on the board she could channel his spirit.

  8. Hey, he was just returning a favor! The dead guy voted for Ricky, so hey, it only makes sense!

    I'll bet the guy is still on the voting rolls and will be voting again today!

  9. heck, might as well give them the job... can't do worse that what we already have

  10. Seems like everyone there is brain dead...so...what's the difference? The more the merrier

  11. A change in leadership is needed,it's hard to call and check to see if people are willing to serve with your mouth full of food.

  12. This is a joke, right.

  13. Wow...now you talk about stupid...stupid is as stupid does...and the taxpayers are paying for that...LOL...shame on Pollitt!!!

  14. Retire Pollitt SOON...

  15. Kook up the regs for Tax Ditch appointments. How many commenting on here actuallt know what a tax ditch is.

  16. I rather a dead man have a job than this d bag... A least the dead man won't run their mouth and eat 100 bucks worth of food every day from places far as cambridge when they live in somerset county...

    I will say it yet again, I TOLD YOU SO!!!

    And again here: I TOLD YOU SO!!!

    And here: YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID...

  17. Maybe if they posted the obits on the bathroom wall at Breaktime Strausberg would know what's going on.

  18. Pollitt how frickin bright are you ? They don't make sunglasses with strong enough lenses to protect our eyes from all the bullshit you keep feeding us taxpayers. I forgot the residents of Wicomico have to work 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet each month. Some of the eldest people are so despert they are doing just about anything. Like asking for food stamps selling prize posessions and some are even shoplifting. That's a damn shame. Hey Pollitt don't forget where you came from. It must be nice always eaten off the taxpayers. Enjoy while you can. NNNOOOTTT!! The countdown has begun for you days left at the Executive Suite. Maybe you will choke on a chicken bone. Yes taxpayers vote Bobby Culver.

  19. Wanna bet that "dead man" votes for Slick Rick in November?

  20. The federal government works that way, why should the local government be any different... some would say.

  21. From buying breakfast, lunch and supper on P-Cards to dead people, how long can voters keep voting for these idiots?


  22. Totally consistent.
    Pollitt is deadweight.
    Most of his staff and appointments are deadwood.
    judgejimmy is a deadbeat.
    OweIreton and Jakey are deadicated to selling the town to their pals and cronies.
    And they all hang around da 'bury!

  23. Hey, are least the dead guy won't be using his P-card, I hope.


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