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Sunday, June 08, 2014

Really, Seriously?

And they call Ocean City a "Family Resort"!


  1. Considering that Ocean City does not own that vessel, the vessel owner can name it anything they wish! Ocean City should have used some Brains before publishing the picture!

  2. what ? i dont get it ?

  3. The first vessel named Muff Diver went down years ago. The were several guests that went down on the Muff Diver, but they were all rescued. Seriously, it sunk while out on a charter fishing trip. This is the replacement Muff Diver.

  4. the only reason oc is called a family resort,with all the drinking and drugs,more families get started there! lol

  5. 2:10 dense at all???

  6. That particular boat has been around for over 30 years that I know of and maybe longer.
    It also operates in the Outer Banks when OC's season is over.

  7. It's all a matter of how you interpret these names. Get your mind out of the gutter!!!

  8. If you're referring to the name of a boat, you have bigger, personal issues to deal with or completely ignorant of vessel names. They've been a charter in OC for 20+ years and do a great job.

  9. Anonymous said...
    what ? i dont get it ?

    June 6, 2014 at 2:10 PM

    Well go back to school and learn proper grammar first.

  10. The Muff Diver is the boat that went out in rough seas and high winds and rescued 2 seamen from a sinking vessel near Indian River Inlet a few years ago. NO other boat answered their distress call but this one did. I'm sure the rescued men's FAMILIES are "Really , Seriously" appreciative.

  11. It's not at all an unusual name for a vessel. I have seen it on many boats but my favorite is El Toro Caca.

  12. I guess you are suggesting that boat names should be censored?

  13. My personal point here is... the owner has every right to name their boat whatever they so choose. I have no problem with that. However, to ADVERTISE such a name in a local paper is, (in my opinion) out of line on behalf of the local OC paper.

  14. I don't see any problem with naming a boat Game On.

  15. I'm not a fan of naming risqué either.

  16. I agree with Joe on most things but this not one of them. If the name of this boat is the that offensive, then you have not seen the T-shirts being displayed and sold on the boardwalk in full view of everyone. It's not just OC but every seaside town with a boardwalk has the same T-shirts shops. The play on words is above the head of the younger children and those that do understand it have heard or seen much worse on TV.

  17. So the local media is now supposed to be the judge of what is and isn't "appropriate?" And who gets to make that call? What if you don't agree with it and you are the one trying to advertise?

  18. Muff diver child;) GO DEEPJune 6, 2014 at 4:08 PM

    Hello fellow bloggers for all of you bashing my step dad wayne Bradford's boat... If you dont like it then contact him. Im sure he would LOVE to here what each and every one of you have to say. Because it truly means so much to him. Plus then you wouldn't be posting anonymously behind a blog.

  19. If I had a boat, I'd name it "Bow Movement'

  20. 4:08 - I'm sure he taught you well over the years. Especially morals. Now you can pass them in for many generations to come. As the saying goes, "Like Father Like 'Step'son."

  21. Who ever thinks that is offensive or shouldn't be in the paper should go vote for Obama again Cuz ur a special kind of stupid

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Who ever thinks that is offensive or shouldn't be in the paper should go vote for Obama again Cuz ur a special kind of stupid

    June 6, 2014 at 7:36 PM

    If you and others like you do not see how this is offensive, I think you have already voted for obammy, TWICE.

  23. i still dont get it


  24. "If you and others like you do not see how this is offensive, I think you have already voted for obammy, TWICE.

    June 7, 2014 at 1:08 AM"

    I agree. It's the liberal/democrat element that are so very vulgar and crude. Conservatives are of a much higher class level and it shows through their refinement, sophistication and mannerisms.

  25. Come on people really. It is a boat name. I have seen far worse in O.C. all summer long. Pole Bender, The O.C. Hooker, Show Your Ta Tas (in pink). It is a name no big deal. Go to the drag strip any Sunday and take a look at the names on the cars.

    I get were Joe was going. Why that one in the paper. I see nothing wrong with it but if your kid says what is a muff diver? welllll you got sone splainin to do lol

  26. Ocean City has not been a 'family resort' when it started to be cheaper to take a family of four for a cruise to the Bahamas for week than stay in OC for a week!

    1. That's ridiculous. You are comparing being stuck on a boat to the Bahamas for an entire week to being able to experience the entire mid-Atlantic coast - OC - Assateague - Chincoteague - the northern beaches - hundreds of restaurants - hundreds of exhibits and things to do; to a vacation on a boat?
      Absolutely ridiculous.

  27. Sorry Joe but I think the name is clever and do not find it offensive. I think we all need to lighten up.

  28. Muff diver child;) GO DEEP said...
    Hello fellow bloggers for all of you bashing my step dad wayne Bradford's boat... If you dont like it then contact him. Im sure he would LOVE to here what each and every one of you have to say. Because it truly means so much to him. Plus then you wouldn't be posting anonymously behind a blog.

    June 6, 2014 at 4:08 PM

    To bad he didn't teach you proper grammar. Maybe you shouldn't have dropped out of school.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Come on people really. It is a boat name. I have seen far worse in O.C. all summer long. Pole Bender, The O.C. Hooker, Show Your Ta Tas (in pink). It is a name no big deal. Go to the drag strip any Sunday and take a look at the names on the cars.

    I get were Joe was going. Why that one in the paper. I see nothing wrong with it but if your kid says what is a muff diver? welllll you got sone splainin to do lol

    June 8, 2014 at 11:03 AM

    Are you really that stupid? If Ocean City wants be known as a family resort instead of the arm pit that it is it would be a good idea to carefully chose what they advertise.

  30. I green with 939

  31. If you really want to get offended why don't you turn on your FM radio. Musical artists like katy perry, drake, Rhianna, lady Gaga use sexually explicit lyrics all the time. These are people our children look up to. So when you see your 9 year old daughter singing in front of the mirror "let me ride your magic stick" you know what to do with your radio. Besides I can't see a child reading a boating magazine

  32. I think ya'll need to get over yourselves and lighten up. Next you'll be upset that there are places in Ocean City called "Big Peckers" and "Crabby Dicks".


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