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Sunday, June 08, 2014

Half The Country Makes Less Than $27,520 A Year And 15 Other Signs The Middle Class Is Dying

If you make more than $27,520 a year at your job, you are doing better than half the country is. But you don’t have to take my word for it, you can check out the latest wage statistics from the Social Security administration right here. But of course $27,520 a year will not allow you to live “the American Dream” in this day and age. After taxes, that breaks down to a good bit less than $2,000 a month. You can’t realistically pay a mortgage, make a car payment, afford health insurance and provide food, clothing and everything else your family needs for that much money.

That is one of the reasons why both parents are working in most families today. In fact, sometimes both parents are working multiple jobs in a desperate attempt to make ends meet. Over the years, the cost of living has risen steadily but our paychecks have not. This has resulted in a steady erosion of the middle class. Once upon a time, most American families could afford a nice home, a couple of cars and a nice vacation every year. When I was growing up, it seemed like almost everyone was middle class. But now “the American Dream” is out of reach for more Americans than ever, and the middle class is dying right in front of our eyes.

One of the things that was great about America in the post-World War II era was that we developed a large, thriving middle class. Until recent times, it always seemed like there were plenty of good jobs for people that were willing to be responsible and work hard. That was one of the big reasons why people wanted to come here from all over the world. They wanted to have a chance to live “the American Dream” too.

But now the American Dream is becoming a mirage for most people. No matter how hard they try, they just can’t seem to achieve it.



  1. If 2 people in the household were clearing $2,000 per month each that would be more than enough to have a comfy life on the shore. Bot I don't many people there are making that much.

  2. Only ILLEGALS and IMMIGRANTS get to live the AMERICAN DREAM! Something wrong with that picture?

  3. If we forced every non-elected civil servant to reapply for their jobs and graded their qualifications and abilities against the published job requirements, we would get rid of a significant amount of folks that are holding gimme jobs and providing less worth than their cost...we would also then be hiring truly qualified individuals that want to work and are actually qualified and able to perform the required tasks.

    I see too many federal positions that are handed out to people that are not remotely qualified to perform the tasks required...pert of why almost every agency in the DC area has trouble getting stuff done efficiently.

  4. This is BS don't believe it.. I don't because Owemalley and King Barry told me I'm now dong better!

  5. What's wrong with this picture is people keep electing Democrats.

  6. One of the unintended consequences of the women's movement was that the workforce literally doubled over night which, watered down the job market. More workers equates to less pay. Women won the right to work but, lost the right to stay home. Now it takes both parent working to run a household whereas in the 60's and early 70's you only needed one pay check.

    Today we see the same thing happening with legal/illegal immigration. Importing more workers to further drive down wages. And behind both of these acts were Progressive Liberals.

  7. And they still want to tax us at pre recession levels! Something has to give. For most of us, our backs are against the walls. My own mother can no longer afford to keep her car. To stay in her house, I now have to drive her back and forth for appointments and grocery shopping. They want more and more from us, but we are loosing the ability to pay.

  8. 1:23. Are you seriously saying that progressive liberals were behind women entering the work force? How about women themselves, irrespective of ideology, desired options other than giving up their education and playing full time nurse maid to their husbands and children. It's narrow minded views like yours that will continue to push women away from the Republican Party. I personally am grateful that my wife chose to pursue higher education and a career that together with mine, provides us a very comfortable lifestyle. And yes, we could live pretty well on either one of our salaries but neither of us wants to give up the satisfaction we get from our chosen professions. And why should we?

  9. 2:07 You're lack of critical thinking won't allow you to see my point. I said "unintended consequences." I never said that the movement was all bad but, for every action there is a reaction.. You simply cannot fathom that the movement had some negative effects as well as positive ones..Oh well..You have been conditioned to recoil from anything that questions what you have been told.

  10. 2:07 I don't think it was Conservatives that were encouraging women to burn their bras...Just saying

  11. Billy Bob, Your statement is correct. I made a similar reference about 2 months ago and nobody understood what I was talking about. People don't understand that just like supply and demand affects the price of goods it also affects the price of labor. Male worker wages adjusted for inflation have flat-lined since the early to mid 70's just when significant numbers of women entered the work force.

  12. Hail to King ObamaJune 6, 2014 at 4:12 PM

    Yo, you White dumb people voted for me....ha ha ha

  13. 3:57. Thank God there are people out there who have not been conditioned to not tell the truth because it might offend someone. Most pepple have been indocrinated to just keep quiet and accept the royal screwing they are getting

  14. Thank god for Dollar Tree!!


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