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Friday, June 06, 2014

Read Putin's SEXIST put-downs of Hillary Clinton

Russian President Vladimir Putin struck back yesterday at former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for comparing his actions in Ukraine to those of Hitler, saying that ‘it’s better not to argue with women’.

According to a Kremlin transcript, the Russian leader went on to suggest that Clinton is weak, and added that ‘maybe weakness is not the worst quality for a woman'.

‘But when I hear such extreme statements, to me it only means that they don’t have any valid arguments,’ Putin said in an interview with reporters from Radio Europe 1 and French TV channel TF1.



  1. Now I am starting to like Vlad.

  2. It's a shame, but I trust Putin more than I trust Obama.

  3. 2:36, I feel the same way and certainly trust him more than Hillary Clinton.

  4. I trust Putin more than Obama AND I don't trust Putin....


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