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Friday, June 06, 2014

Poll: Working Class Voters Abandon Obama

A new CNN poll of Americans finds falling support for President Obama on every policy issue. On no single issue does a majority of Americans approve of Obama's position. On many important issues, e.g. health care, immigration and foreign policy, his approval ratings have reached new lows. Perhaps surprisingly, however, his approval ratings are worst among America's working class. Those earning less than $50k and those who haven't been to college have turned decidedly against Obama.

It should be noted that Obama's approval ratings have collapsed across the issues, not just with this sub-group. On voters' top issue, the economy, 61% of voters disapprove of Obama's performance. Just 38% approve. Obama's numbers are 7 points worse than they were on the eve of the GOP landslide in 2010. His approval ratings on health care, illegal immigration, gun policy and the federal deficit have all reached new lows, with Obama's approval mired in the 30s. On the deficit, 67% of voters disapprove of Obama.



  1. But remember the 47% that Romney talked about. They are still out there.

  2. Why does Rsssmussen show Obama's over all approval about 50%. I've never seen it below 46% and the past week it's been 50-51%

  3. I bet Allah approves.

  4. Hopefully, the folks that were surveyed to generate these approval numbers will vote appropriately in the upcoming elections.

    The downfall is being caused by all of the politicians that ascribe to the Democrat policies....


  5. i said in 2008 and 2012 that anyone that has a job should not vote for obama. so how did he get voted in? he put everyone out of work.

  6. 1:55 You hit it on the head. He put many people out of work so they would have to rely on the Government to support them. That's the Socialistic way of doing business. That's the 47%. And the EPA is going to shut down coal and power plants and put another 200,000 people out of work. Can't Congress get a handle on this imposter.

  7. History in reverseJune 6, 2014 at 4:10 PM

    "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? King Obama will never leave office you white slaves...

  8. Thats it... I'm convinced my white vote does not count. I'm never voting again.!


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