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Sunday, June 01, 2014

Obama Unhappy with America's Constitutional Balance of Powers

President “I am not a dictator” Obama, the same man who once bemoaned that the U.S. Constitution is deeply flawed and America’s Founding Fathers had “an enormous blind spot” when they wrote it, is again complaining that our Constitutional Republic does not satisfy his dictatorial aspirations. Apparently, the inconvenience of having each state represented equally in the Senate is inconveniencing his ability to shove his leftist personal agenda down the throat of Congress and the American people.

As the Washington Times reports:

At a Democratic fundraiser in Chicago Thursday night, Mr. Obama told a small group of wealthy supporters that there are several hurdles to keeping Democrats in control of the Senate and recapturing the House. One of those problems, he said, is the apportionment of two Senate seats to each state regardless of population.

“Obviously, the nature of the Senate means that California has the same number of Senate seats as Wyoming. That puts us at a disadvantage,” Mr. Obama said.

The Founding Fathers decided in the “Great Compromise” in 1787 to apportion House seats based on population and give each state two seats in the Senate regardless of population. The solution was a compromise between large states and small states in a dispute that nearly dissolved the Constitutional Convention.

The president also blamed “demographics” for the inability of the Democratic Party to gain more power in Congress, saying Democrats “tend to congregate a little more densely” in cities such as New York and Chicago. He said it gives Republicans disproportional clout in Congress.



  1. It is unfortunate that this country has put this man in office, not once but twice. He may not like the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the other guiding principles of America but those principles have made us the strongest nation in the world while protecting our freedom as individuals. Beware, this man is going to continue to try to achieve radical socialist change through the use of executive orders. We need to pressure those in Congress to stop him, if by no means short of impeachment. Wake Up America before it is to late.

  2. Let's look at this. This is the country that he chose to run for, and be elected as POTUS. I'm assuming, as he is a 'Constitutional Scholar', that he knew the rules when he chose to run? What T Hell is he trying to do now...he took it knowing the boundaries, run it within the boundaries!

  3. No $#!t - we're unhappy with his abuse of the constitution!

  4. During the Woodrow Wilson years the majority democrats voted to have the Senate voted in by the people.

    Now the issue that makes this wrong is that the HOUSE was for the people while the Senate was supposed to represent the interest of the State and therefore being selected or voted into by the STATE LEGISLATURES who were voted in by the people. The point is the Senate was specifically designed to represent the interests of the State in a system that was originally set up to have checks and balances.

    With this amendment our constitution fundamentally changed. We should look into eliminating that amendment and coming back to the original intent.

  5. The man must be stopped. He has been trying to throw the Constitution under the buss since he's been in office. No doubt he his a Socialist.

  6. If he had his way he would be dictator...

  7. Everyone should communicate to your representative your feelings and ask to start impeachment proceedings for his continued abuse of the power of the presidency. Andy Harris should be communicating your position to his fellow representatives... Write Andy and ask him to support impeachment.

  8. When you break the law, you hire a criminal lawyer. When you wanna break the constitution, you put in a constitutional lawyer

  9. He took a oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution! This is treason!

    We impeached Clinton over a lie and a blue stained dress, but the current POTUS Lies Every Day!

  10. 8:46, You're absolutely correct. The states gave up a lot of power with the 17th amendment. Have to wonder what people were thinking back then:
    16th Amendment- Income tax
    17th Amendment- Direct election of Senators
    18th Amendment-Prohibition
    Can you imagine the effect of the decisions we've made today will have 100 years from now.

  11. Checks & Balances....yea right. Obama wants all blank checks with NO balances. He need to be impeached before we become a slave nation.

  12. Congress, where are you!?!!

  13. The wise men of the past put the Constitution in place to keep the government from usurping the rights of the people.
    Just becuase Dictator Obama doesn't like the reigning in powers of the Constitution is his problem, and there for the protection of the American people.

  14. 5-27-14
    Certainly he`s got his lip poked out. He`s mad because a large contingent of the lawmakers refuse to succumb to the lunacy he has made of the Presidents` office.He is beleagured with 'Little Man`s Syndrome'. He thinks the Country and day to day business should be handled with Mothers Rank.(Why, because I said so!) SORRY, thats not the case and I`m glad that some people still have the stones to say NO--You are WRONG. Thats how you handle a SPOILED BRAT! Bob Aswell

  15. Obama Crooked BasrardoMay 27, 2014 at 12:40 PM

    Emperor Obama sees Constitution as an obstacle in his way to ultimate power So he wants to bring in more bobbleheads from California and N.Y, likes Nancy "Obamacare Queen" Pelosi, Diane "Ban All the Guns" Feinstein, Hillary "Benghazi Who? Clinton, Al "Reverand Pay No Tax" Sharpton, Harry "Whorehouse Slimeball" Reid, Timmy "Turbo Tax" Geithner, and let's not forget about Anthony "Carlos Danger" Weiner. And don't forget those liberals from.Maryland - Marty "Rain Tax Man" OweMalley, Barbara "Those TEA Party Extremist" Mikulski and Ben "I Vote For Anything" Cardin. Is the Circus of Clowns complete?

  16. We have had and lived by these same rules for over 230 years, and they work just fine. You knew the rules when you signed up for the game. If you don't like them, and don't want to play the game anymore, quit and turn it over to Uncle Joe.

    There are plenty of other countries that have rules better suited to you, and you could choose one of them to lead, if you wish.

    I'm sure we could manage the country and Constitution without you.

    Thank you for your first draft of your letter of resignation.

  17. 9:21 give him a few and he will be, hes working on it, just as he is trying to get it to where he could run for a third term, just wait and see


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