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Sunday, June 01, 2014

Comcast is the Pits

According to the latest survey by American Customer Satisfaction Index, by far the biggest (and often most accurate) study in the country, cable providers Comcast and Time Warner Cable have the lowest customer satisfaction ratings of all companies . . . in all industries . . . in all of America.

And that’s not even the bad news: Comcast and Time Warner Cable were the only two companies to score below a 60 on the ACSI’s 100-point scale. They’re lower than perennial customer satisfaction basement dwellers United Airlines, Bank of America, Sprint, Aetna — even the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power scored a higher customer satisfaction rating.

In the report, the ACSI states that the low satisfaction ratings for Comcast and Time Warner Cable should make the two companies reconsider their upcoming merge, which would quickly make them the largest content provider in the American broadband and pay TV markets.

“The combination of low and downward-trending customer satisfaction for both Comcast and Time Warner Cable is cause for concern amid merger talks between the two companies,” ACSI writes. “The issue at stake is not that the proposed merger will limit competition as the service territories of the two companies do not overlap. Instead, it is the question of whether a combination of two pay-TV providers with such poor records could possibly create a better customer experience, especially given the volume of evidence from ACSI data suggesting that mergers in service industries tend to damage satisfaction — at least in the short term.”

In all likelihood, the results of this survey will play no part in the two companies finalizing their deal.
“Comcast and Time Warner assert their proposed merger will not reduce competition because there is little overlap in their service territories,” says David VanAmburg, ACSI Director. “Still, it’s a concern whenever two poor-performing service providers combine operations. ACSI data consistently show that mergers in service industries usually result in lower customer satisfaction, at least in the short term. It’s hard to see how combining two negatives will be a positive for consumers.”

Worth pointing out is the effect the Internet has had on how customers now view their television subscriptions.



  1. Comcast, Verison, AT&T and many more corporations are violating anti trust laws. We are once again being held captive by corporations. The least they can do is make it a painless experience.

  2. Its only going to get worst.

  3. The old expression of "two wrongs don't make a right" is so true in this case. Comcast is absolutely horrible to work with. The bill keep going up while they throw in more channels/sports packages, etc. you don't want to watch. Comcast just loves to see their name on ball stadiums & race cars.

  4. "Its only going to get worst."

    Right after it gets worse.

  5. They have a monoply in this county. It should be against some type of law. It just seems crooked to me. They creep your bill up. I guess I could lose a couple hundred channels lol.

  6. Thank your local politicians for giving these guys exclusive franchise agreements. We have some of the highest cable rates in the country, because Comcast has no competition. Bring in Verizon FiOS or AT&T u-verse and we'll all pay at least 30% less. Then the bad service won't hurt so much.

  7. No competition equals high prices and poor service...Comcast is the pits.

  8. Absolutely the worst customer service in the world. The Techs I have met are very nice and competent however the rest of the organization is AWFUL. That's what happens when they have little or no competition.

  9. well you fools fail to realize Comcast keeps lining the pockets of all the dems so you just keep voting for the dems and they'll get rich Comcast will get rich and you stupid slobs will take it in the @ss! so keep voting for the dems!

  10. They are horrible and extremely expensive. I went back to DirecTV. Got me a AARP cell phone with unlimited local regional long distant and internet. I have high speed wireless internet with Verizon Hotspot. Saved myself a lot of money. To hell with Comcast.

  11. mediacom or mediacon as i call it is just as bad.

  12. Horrid company. Verizon not far behind. Switched to Direct after 30+ years. They care more about new customers with zero payment history than one who never was late for 30 years. People at desk rude. Report to city administrator for what good that will do.

    Customer NO service.

  13. what i hate the most...



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