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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Guess Who’ll Play Trayvon Martin In Will Smith’s New Film

Thought the world has had enough of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman? Think again.

Hollywood strikes again as actor Will Smith announced he will begin production on his upcoming Trayvon Martin film, which is set to hit theaters Spring 2015.

Just who could capture the monumentally controversial role? Apparently Will Smith’s Overbrook Entertainment – responsible for I Am Legend, Hancock, and The Karate Kid – believes Will’s son Jaden Smith fits the role perfectly.


  1. I'll never watch another of any of there films

  2. I can't believe that Will Smith will do that. Shame on him. Just out for the money and to keep the race card going on and on and on. I won't watch this movie but I also know many will. map

  3. oh good lord... am I the only only one thats grown tired of Will Smith ?

  4. 444, yes so terrible. Actually use art to discuss a hot button social issue. How dare he.

  5. Why would Smith promote a thug. Just to keep race tensions high? And, the race tensions are coming from the blacks, not the whites.


  6. That film will incite race riots in Los Angeles and every other major city... just what we need.

    You watch... Obama will change the limit on two Presidential terms (now 8 years) and run again in 2020. He just loves building his ego and destroying this country at the same time.

    Will Smith was a decent actor but forget it now. Boycott the SOB !!

  7. 444, yes so terrible. Actually use art to discuss a hot button social issue. How dare he.

    June 9, 2014 at 4:54 PM

    This is nothing more than a money maker and another scheme to keep the race pot stirred. It's probably called "art" by the government, so they can subsidize it because it furthers their agenda. And apparently you consider it art, but thinking people see it for what it is.

  8. Did anyone notice that it says that George Zimmerman will get 3.2 million dollars as a consultant. That will really tick off the Trayvon fans.
    I don't even want to think about what will go on in the movie theaters.

  9. No way!!! None of my money will go to see that!!! Shame on you Will!!

  10. The liberal way of rewriting history.

  11. Seriously speaking,this sounds more like a Lifetime movie than a big screen project.

  12. I'm sure this movie will be full of true events. Maybe they will show Zimmerman killing Trayvon while he was helping an old lady cross the street or cleaning up trash on the side of the road. This movie will be full of so much B.S. it should be classified as a comedy movie

  13. 10:54 it should be classified as a race baiting peace of trash. Look no further then Ocean City this weekend. The manin stream media wants all people in strife. We better get back to being Americans. I refuse to say African American or White American. We are American Mutts. America is and will be a melting pot of cultures. We have to mantain our American way of life. It is fading fast and our enemies abroad love to see where we are heading. Rome is burning. It is time for serious intrevention. If not history does and will repeat itself. It has been proven time and time again. This nation will not survive a civil or race war. It just does not have the backbone any longer to recover. We will become a divided nation of no particular strengths. There will be no clear winner just a lot of dead Americans. People may see some sick glory in all of this but it will be the undoing of one of the greatest nations on earth.


  14. Isn't that special!

  15. Hope the movie bombs!
    Just what we need, more race hatred between black and white. As if there are not enough problems already? I hope he is prepared for the outcome such a movie will bring. Another "hate whitey" movie. I will not see another movie that has Will Smith in it!

  16. Progressives get their way ... America becomes a nation of loosers

  17. Will Smith seems to have forgotten that white america helped him get where he is now. You alienate your public and you don't bite the hand that feeds you.

    1. Will Smith is responsible for his success, not "white america"and you are responsible for your ignorance.

  18. Will Smith is a racist.


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