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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Brown: "No Need For Tax Increases"

It wasn't a promise not to raise taxes, but Lt. Governor Anthony Brown, the front runner in the Democratic race for governor, did say he wouldn't raise taxes early in a Brown Administration if elected.

"I don't see the need in the foreseeable future to raise taxes in the near future, so that's good news," Brown told the C-4 Show.

Brown did not offer any specifics as to how long a "foreseeable future" would be.

Brown did say that in his first year as governor, he would form a commission to study tax reform in Maryland.



  1. It's in the Democrat DNA...They lack ideas and can only thrown money at a problem.

  2. As govenor he would "form a commission to study tax reform". Really? After all the tax hikes Marylanders have endured he has to form a committee.

    Give me a break for crying out loud. You know he looks like a deer in headlights, clueless.

  3. Sounds just like Ob'. Only a fool would believe it.

  4. Yeah, right. I've heard the wind blow many times before. He has a D beside his name, so he will lie to get elected and then raise taxes.

  5. They tax the RAIN for God's sake...

  6. He's a Democrat so he is a liar.


  7. the conversation should only be about how much they are going to lower taxes. I don't trust the dems for anything.

  8. The old Bait and Switch tactic.

    Democrat = Tax and Spend

  9. Didn't Bush 41 say "No new taxes" and then raise taxes….


  10. Not even a credible or polished lie; what an idiot!

    Voters are beyond buying anymore donkey poop.

  11. A Democrat's "foreseeable future" is only past the next spent dollar. They can never see past that, so, really, he's not "lying".

  12. The problem.. the low information votes in Maryland will believe this obvious lie. The programs that OweMalley and Brown have passed in the last 8 years will need to be funded. Those initiatives, and as we open the doors to more illegals (and Maryland is a safe state,) will need to be funded. A vote for Brown is 4 more years of OweMalley.

  13. "I can not tell a truth; I can not tell a truth"

  14. "The foreseeable future" ends on election day...

  15. He's a politician of course he's lying. Better yet before anyone runs for any tax payer funded position make them pass a lie detector test. Small price to pay. Just like when a cop wants to search your car, if you don't have anything to hide what's the problem.

  16. Democrats = tax and spend.

  17. What he means is: No need to raise taxes until after I win the election.


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