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Sunday, June 08, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Mr. Executive, Don't Piss On Me And Tell Me It's Raining

Joe, your recent post about county and BOE employees spending perked my interest, I have begun to review the Wicomico Counties web site for expenses, one item that I found that is most interesting is that last year Rick Pollitt went to Taiwan. 

On 8/27/13 Pollitt received a $500.00 dollar cash advance for his trip and on 9/27/13 he returned $400.00. OK so no big deal right, however news reports prior to that trip stated that his trip would not cost the taxpayers of Wicomico County one dollar and that was expressed very clearly by Mr Pollitt. 

The Daily Times reported on May 23rd 2014 that Mr Pollitt used the county credit card to purchase personal items at Wal Mart ($117.55) and then paid the county back the next day again no big deal. 

The Daily Times also reported that other county employees had used county credit cards for personal items that had also been refunded. Should county credit cards be used for personal use ? Never, is everything that is being purchased for personal use being reimbursed we may never know. 

These practices only show the arrogance that some elected officials and government employees have. Pollitt stated in the Times report that he will drill down on his staff encouraging a frugal mindset. This is why I must ask, is that because he got caught?

Publishers Notes: Regardless of how much has been borrowed, spent and or allegedly returned, the Taxpayers should never have to be placed in this position as to ask where the balance of $100.00 is and why Pollitt hasn't returned that money. 

I'll add, just what the hell is going on that the County Executive doesn't have the $500.00 spending money to make such a trip out of his own pocket.

Spend your own money and then come to me WITH RECEIPTS and you'll be paid back when you return. IF the Executive would have sent someone else he would have given them a spending allowance. Looks like Rick got the extra large plan. 


  1. What's with these people I work night shift I pack my dinner so my kids will have lunch money. These fat lazy bast&^%# use taxpayer monies like it is a right.
    thanks Joe keep us informed.
    By the way i do not buy the daily times can't afford it but I am glad they are getting out some news.

  2. If they use the government credit card they are not paying tax on the purchase. By using the card and then reimbursing the county they are committing fraud.

  3. you let it happen... enough said...

  4. Government cards are NEVER to be used for personal items. He should have signed a document stating that he would never use the card for personal items. It does not matter that he paid it back, he used the card in a manner in which he was not allowed, period,

  5. Reason for Rick to do it this way, you get receipts for the expenses which are tax deductions, you get the advance in cash, you return it in cash, you keep the receipts for your return, Creative finance and it looks right, right!

  6. With all the investigative reporting, why is the Daily Times being quoted. I didn't think they they were suppose to be through from what I heard.

  7. 12:27 gets it...

  8. 11:51 has hit the nail on the head!

    12:11, too.

    When I worked at a place that had a card, my boss would have FIRED me if I used the company card for personal expenses, even to reimburse. That is also more crap the accountant has to wade through.


  10. WBI needs to investigate this. This is fraud pure and simple. Call in a complaint to the sheriffs office and demand they do something. Then when they don't it will be on them as well.

  11. Really people this is the best shot you can take.lol 100 bucks really. The man should never have to spend his own money for anything to do with this county. No worker should fund work trips then get re-imbursement. Rick is a lot of things but he is not a criminal. The guy is a Southern Democrat and that is not so bad.

  12. He's a democrat, what do you expect??!! He feels, just as all democrats feel, that he is entitled to taxpayer funded transportation daily, food, snacks and anything else a county credit card can purchase because he's entitled. Can someone please explain to me why a person making his salary is entitled to a county car at taxpayers expense?? And what about the department heads and folks making over $50,000/year?? Why are the taxpayers providing personal transportation for these folks? Not everyone is on call. And this is the man that is supposed to be accountable as well safeguarding our tax dollars. But I guess we accept all of this because he is entitled to use taxpayer funds for personal use and give perks as he sees fit. This man and most of his department heads have no idea of the concept of "Lead by Deed". Have we finally had enough yet or do we just stand there and let this sorry excuse of an executive continue to slop at the trough of taxpayer dollars and distribute perks at the taxpayer's' expense. If anyone that reads this thinks he's wrong then vote your conscience at the next election and lets remove this "entitled person". By not voting him out, we are basically condoning his overbearing ego in not doing right for the citizens of this county. Does anyone agree?????

  13. If he is working than the County should pay! Come on people what kind of manager do you want? Hire a Illegal immigrant and pay him minimum wage! You complainers need a life!!!

  14. If you have a county credit card but no funds or credit card of your own, you don't get in line at a place of business to make a personal purchase. Taxpayers are not a personal ATM for county employees.

  15. There is no supporting what he has done. Use of a county card for personal reasons (even if it is paid back) is illegal. No excuses... Doesn't matter if it's 1 dollar or 10,000 dollars.

  16. 2:03
    It would appear that you have never had a management position in a company or corporation. Every job I have ever held that required travel, I used my personal credit cards for flights, hotels, cabs, food and gas. Expense reports were submitted weekly and the company reimbursed me. This is a common practice in the business world. This situation is different in that the county employees are spending tax payer money and it appears to be excessive and frivolous. I can see the need for the occassional situation where food may need to purchased for a special event or staff recognition but these reports show spending on such a scale that it is not an occasional situation. This money should have been spent for educational purposes.

  17. Before everyone gets crazy you need to review the credit card policy agreement with employee. Individuals that have business credit cards normally have to fill out expense reports that are subject to their financial review for approved payment...this normally happens in a accounting department which must follow certain regulations. Get the policy first!!!

  18. anon 203
    Just keep paying up dumb^%$

  19. Joe I want to thank you for keeping us informed, without your blog the taxpayers of Wicomico County would surely not know alot of what's happening. I did read the two stories in the DT and it looks as if the change in management there has made some differance but they are still way behind you. Keep up the good work. Thank You again

  20. Thank you Anonymous 3:51.
    I cannot speak to why the $100 was used, but I can say that most of these comments are from people that are using their own preconceived ideas and past experiences to comment. Why don't you take the time to find out how things really work with the county finances instead of using ignorance to judge?

  21. I guess my question is why does
    Wicomico County Executive need to go to Taiwan????

  22. 2:03 Ok, so what is a County Executive, from this small county, doing in TAIWAN that merits reimbursement, or tax dollars? This is Wicomico County, nothing being done in Taiwan has any relation to here. TaiF-ingWan.

    Again, REAL professionals schedule their day properly, where they eat their lunch on their own time. Business meeting? Meet me at THE BUSINESS! Not here... Business meeting? Let's meet at Brew River and spend $700 and NOT ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING FOR THIS COUNTY. I swear, we are 80-90% full of retards.

  23. Is that Rick Pollitt sitting there with all his friends?


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