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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wicomico County Donation Supports Wildlife

Wicomico County offers a prime example of a recycling program designed to support the environment. Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt announces that the Department of Public Works – Roads Division’s recent donation of nearly 40 used street sign poles to the Maryland Waterfowlers Association (MDWFA) and Maryland Wood Duck Initiative (MWDI) will be used to install wood duck nesting boxes.

Wood Duck boxes simulate a natural nesting structure – a tree knot hole – found in the wild.

Aaron Ward, Wicomico County representative for the MDFWA commented, “Wood Ducks nest in a wooded or semi-wooded environment where they can nest, as well as loaf, safely from predators.”

The wooden box, mounted on the metal pole, is protected by a cone shaped guard to prevent predators from climbing up the pole and accessing the box and harming the hen or the eggs. This latest donation brings the total of donated sign posts to approximately 100 posts to support local waterfowl populations since 2008.

“This partnership allows Public Works to repurpose material that would have been landfilled and turn it into valuable habitat for local wildlife,” Lee Beachamp, Director of Public Works said, “These small steps are the foundation of creating a sustainable community where we all work together to be stewards of the environment.”

“Using the recycled metal street signs significantly reduces the time it takes to setup a new box and relocate existing ones,” said Aaron Ward.

County Executive Pollitt said, “We’re delighted to continue this important partnership that once again emphasizes Wicomico County’s strong commitment in support of our natural environment.”

MWDI’s mission is to enhance Maryland’s Wood Duck population and to generate a greater appreciation of the wetland habitats in which they live. Since late 2004, MWDI’s scope has grown to more than 1,700 boxes on 85 public project sites.

For more information visit www.mwdi.net and www.mdwfa.org.

1 comment:

  1. Let them eat cake!

    This 10¢ POS "donation" of otherwise useless junk, or at best $5 worth of scrap metal is supposed to buy him votes???? LOL!!!!!!!!!


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