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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

White House outs CIA official by mistake

The White House accidentally revealed the name of the CIA's top intelligence official in Afghanistan to some 6,000 journalists.

The person was included on a list of people attending a military briefing for President Barack Obama during his surprise visit to Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan on Sunday.

It's common for such lists to be given to the media, but names of intelligence officials are rarely provided. In this case, the individual's name was listed next to the title, "Chief of Station."


  1. And they're worried about Snowden!
    The incompetence continues.....

  2. Who believes this was an accident. Something stinks here. OhBlaaBlaa better use caution when screwing with the C.I.A. They work by a seperate set of rules none of us totally understand.

  3. accidently on purpose perhaps

  4. I doubt it was done by accident. More like done by design.

  5. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 27, 2014 at 11:54 AM

    Done Purposely pretennding to be Accidental. They've been doing it for years. If someone doesn't worship "the Annointed One" Mighty Barry O., they get thrown under the bus or to a Hungry Muslim Dogs. Most Transparantly Shameless Administratio in history.

  6. the community organizer in chief new what he was doing here...

  7. I never saw a headline that said.

    Bush Administration outs Valarie Plame by mistake.

    Never once. It was always reported they did this on purpose.

    Yet here on a Right leaning site with Obama it must be a mistake.


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