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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Town's White Police Official Calls Obama N-word

A police commissioner in a predominantly white New Hampshire town says he won't apologize for calling President Barack Obama the N-word, and he sat with his arms crossed while angry residents at a meeting called for his resignation on Thursday.

Wolfeboro Police Commissioner Robert Copeland, who's 82 and white, has acknowledged in an email to his fellow police commissioners he used the racial slur in describing Obama.

Town resident Jane O'Toole, who moved to Wolfeboro four months ago, said she overheard Copeland say the slur at a restaurant in March and wrote to the town manager about it. Copeland, in an email to her, acknowledged using the slur in referring to the president and said he will not apologize.



  1. Freedom of speech.

  2. freedom of speech is still recognized in this country , I just happen to agree with this man.

  3. Blacks themselves use that word more than whites anymore so if they want the word eradicated then they need to go on a loud and public campaign to get their own to stop using it. Until then, everyone need to just sit down shut up and suck it up when a person says it.

    1. Your so wrong and you can tell its a gesture that can't be removed from your thick skull. I can only imagine what sort of judicial decisions this man has made based upon his own view of African-Americans.

  4. He should move to the eastern shore. He would fit right in.

  5. I don't hear 2Chainz, Kanye, ice cube or T apologizing, so why should he???
    Kuddo's for this man have the b@lls to stand behind what he says.

  6. Again, a 'private' conversation. What do people not understand about private conversations? Are we at a point where people are punished for private thoughts and words? That is not a door you freaks want to open.

  7. He has a right to his opinion, popular or not, and should not have to defend his opinion. Further he was speaking in a restaurant with friends and should be allowed to expect a little privacy to his discussion amongst friends! I also agree that as soon as they stop using it and being racist it will die away!

  8. I have to agree with all the comments so far, besides he said it in a private conversation, she shouldn't have been ease dropping anyway. sorry but I think its funny. one definition of the "N" word is an ignorant person. What he does is sometimes IGNORANT..

  9. 547 perhaps because he is an officer of the law, sworn to uphold the rights of everyone and provide security. He's not just some entertainer. Pretty hard to do your job equitably as a racist

    1. A Police Commissioner is NOT an officer of the law.

  10. They use the N word in the cities far more than the Eastern shore doofus. Libtards always go after our freedoms.

  11. I use the "n word every day , I'm free ,white and 71.
    I don't wear a red shirt and pants with matching hat.
    I don't wear jeans with bling and glitter , I know who I am , these idiots don't.

  12. 6:58
    He's not an officer of the law, he's an elected commissioner.
    Whether or not he's a racist would be shown by his actions.
    The fact that he's white does not exclude him from ANY word.

  13. So what if he is a cop, he is a person 1st. and he was just saying what he as an American feels, he is not alone. He also has the right5 to say how he feels because of a little something called the 1st. Amendment, freedom of speech! Ever listen to the police monitor, you here what they say about a certain race, and yet they continue to serve and protect, but they don't like them at all!

  14. "I believe I did use the 'N' word in reference to the current occupant of the Whitehouse," Copeland said in the email to his fellow police commissioners, part of which he forwarded to O'Toole. "For this, I do not apologize -- he meets and exceeds my criteria for such."

    "He meets and exceeds my criteria for such" and this man is willing to stand behind his statement. My hero! Obama is a JACKASS, no matter what color he is!

  15. Racism is behavior.
    N . . . Is a word.

    Behavior vs language.

    Humans judge people by their behavior. The Father judges our hearts. It is a classic dichotomy of WHAtT we DO vs. WHO we ARE.

    People are shallow compared to our Creator. We can only judge the surface matters. Those that are observable, measurable, quantitative in nature. We focus on behavior of people.

    God, the Father is our Creator. His Son is our Savior. His Spirit moves among us inspiring some of us to believe in Him. He sees the qualitative nature of People.

    Until we are Reconciled to Him we will not live peacefully among ourselves. Man must be reconciled to Him in order to enjoy reconciliation with himself.

    Racist behavior is here to stay.

  16. All the comments have me cracked up roflmao.. it is what it is

  17. At least he didn't try to cover it up or lie, definitely not a democrat.

  18. This guy is my hero and only weak white Americans don't support him. And there is nothing wrong with my first sentence. You people are just plain and simple idiots.

  19. Please explain, 11:45. His statement concerned a single individual. And I'm not happy to say it, but that individual is 50% white. How do you blow that up to be 'his view of African Americans'.

  20. All those not guilty...

  21. I don't know of many white people who are happy that Obama is in our Whitehouse. This guy just voiced what a lot of folks are too scared to say, give him credit, he is honest!

  22. I'm getting sick of these types of people spouting off.Can't anyone just shut the hell up and accept the fact that no one is perfect? Except Jesus that is,but all the rest of us fall way way short,so get over it.

  23. 5:46 If you don't like the Shore then move along we won't care !

  24. @10:31

    You don't care and that is exactly why the area is in such a horrible situation. You aren't smart enough to retrain or attract any business other than fast food restaurants. You drive off people from out of the area that could make positive changes and have the financial resources to do it. Heck, you cannot even elect officials at the city, county or state level that can or will try to turn things around. Heck, even Joe bailed out of Salisbury when he sold his building. He is business savvy and would have kept that property if there was any hope for improvement.

  25. When i went to school at Wi Jr. and Parkside and our U.S. history books use the word negro. later people tried to be politically correct and called them colored people. The NAACP was formed CP stands for colored people. then you were called a racist is you said colored people so we had to call them black people. well that went on and once again we were told we were racist, you are supposed to call them african american. I am only 50 and i wonder what it will change to next. I do know one thing Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy and Chris Rock and many other AA got rich saying the N word and the Clippers owner didn't even use the N word and gave a lot of money to the NAACP and can you believe he got the maximum fine. makes sense to me. I wonder what kind of a fine a white guy would get if he was a comedian and used the n word?

  26. Though I didn't vote for Obama, I hoped he would do right by America. All I wanted was for him to keep America strong.
    Needless to say it is obvious he has been a total failure regarding interests at home and abroad. He has make the economy worse and we are no longer a leader in the world. Iran, Putin, Syria, even Mexico have played Obama for the fool he is.
    A community organizer is not equipped to deal with experienced world leaders. You don't put a little league player in the major league.
    America gave him 2 chances and he has been an abysmal failure and it will take decades to undo the disasters he has caused.
    Hopefully we will do better in 2016.

  27. Nobody knows what Obama actually is.. it's sealed up tight.. personally I am quite sure he is a felon who has used Drones to kill..and lies to justify his felonious behavior and is unfit to hold the Office of President.. in fact there has been so many Voter Fraud cases in so many parts of the Country that go unreported.. I am willing to wager he lost the election in 2012 to algorithm based Voter fraud that suppressed the vote in some places and exaggerated it elsewhere... his Secretary of Defense was on the Board of Directors of the Voter Machine Company and George Soros owned the Software Company


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