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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Does Mayor Ireton Really Care About Children?

Today I received a phone call asking if I knew about the vehicle driving around Salisbury trying to abduct children. I replied, I had not heard anything about it.

We looked on the City's Website, nothing. SPD, nothing. Facebook, nothing. Twitter, nothing. So where do you think the information came from, WMDT.

Now look, if you want to alarm the community about something as important as this is you'll make immediate contact with ALL Media Sources. Like Salisbury News or not, we have more local traffic then any other news source out there. I'd place WMDT almost dead last.

So why WMDT? Well, for many of you, I'm sure you can guess why Jimmy chooses to work so closely with them and no one else. However, does he really care about the children? Obviously not. At least he can say he got the information out there but really, what good does it do. 

In ALL the years I have been doing this I cannot recall another time, (aside from this one) where someone told me they saw it on WMDT. Everyone knows WMDT has an RSS Feed to Salisbury News and they get most of their news from us. As soon as we publish each and every story WMDT gets an instant message and link to those stories we produce first. 

I think what Jim Ireton and Chief Barbara Duncan are doing is a disservice to the community. I also feel that YOU should be aware of how your Mayor is handling such important matters.

In good faith, here's WMDT's story HERE.


  1. No democrat cares about children. They will sell the souls of their own children for a vote even. They lie when they say it's for the children. Anyone who cared about children would not ever want the children stuck with the debt governments are facing. This has created uncertainty for the future. If I had a parent who was a democrat politician I would be mortified because they are evil.

  2. If it is important enough to notify WMDT about it why is it NOT listed on any of the SPD social media sites or even a press release about it? They have time to post pictures of them running in DC but not enough time to post something as important as an individual preying on the children. Seems they are more worried about promoting the SPD than they are keeping our children safe.

  3. They do not want to publicize the failure of their policies and are willing not to do it even if it puts CHILDREN in harms way.
    These liberals are despicably vain despots.

  4. Someone that cares about children would use all avenues available to get word out. You ought to be ashamed Ireton!

  5. Of course he isn't going to report it. Crime is down remember.

  6. Maybe it was IRETON driving around?

  7. Mayor Liarton does not give a damn about anyone but himself!

  8. I would have been fired a long time ago if I was Barbara Duncan because I would tell Ireton you stay in your watering hole over there on main street and I'll take care of the police work in this town. She is doing no one any justice by listening to this fool and if she doesn't have gumption enough to speak up, then she needs to go.

  9. Joe may i be the first to say you need to take this BLOG (it's more than that,,,,it IS a NEWS network,,,,make it an LLC or go public,,,, I would be more than happy to become a partner with you and am sure lots of other locals would as well! Remember I asked first,,,, you can convert this to a letter to the editor if you choose!

  10. 12:57: What a stupid, STUPID comment.
    I'm not a Democrat, but to say that "no Democrat cares about children is just plain - STUPID.
    You truly are a Foolish Fool with a Capital "F".

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    12:57: What a stupid, STUPID comment.
    I'm not a Democrat, but to say that "no Democrat cares about children is just plain - STUPID.
    You truly are a Foolish Fool with a Capital "F".

    May 16, 2014 at 7:29 PM

    I'm not 12:57, but you are an idiot and I believe you are a Democrat.

  12. 7:29 You're the fool.
    Democrats continue to spend money they do not have. In order to do that, they borrow it with our children's credit. They are putting our children in debt as well as our children's children.
    Obviously they do not care about children.

  13. The two best fiscal watchdogs we've had on city council in years are Debbie Campbell, by far #1, and Terry Cohen, a solid #2. Both Democrats.

    As for this story, I am OUTRAGED that this wasn't put on every damn news outlet out there! My grandchildren live in that hole of a town. Culprits get caught when the public is alerted to look for them. Sure, you don't want to alarm people, but it is an OUTRAGE not to give them information to protect themselves and catch a sicko preying on children.

  14. The debt is created out of thin air.
    It should be denounced by the citizens.
    Then the government itself should be denounced and upended.

    Wake up folks. These Globalists are very serious about your enslavement.

    You know in your heart that human beings cannot be born into debt.

    This is evil and must be denounced immediately. People must be punished for crimes against humanity.

  15. Anonymous said...
    The two best fiscal watchdogs we've had on city council in years are Debbie Campbell, by far #1, and Terry Cohen, a solid #2. Both Democrats.

    As for this story, I am OUTRAGED that this wasn't put on every damn news outlet out there! My grandchildren live in that hole of a town. Culprits get caught when the public is alerted to look for them. Sure, you don't want to alarm people, but it is an OUTRAGE not to give them information to protect themselves and catch a sicko preying on children.

    May 16, 2014 at 9:28 PM

    I would say they are in the wrong party and should switch since the Democrats don't support them and they constantly attack them while supporting Jim Ireton and Jake Day.

  16. Jim Ireton is gay and gays don't like kids because they can't have any.

  17. 10:08 PM your comment is so true.

  18. never heard a follow-up on Jimmy's Tasaring Father..

    I wonder what kind of upbringing he actually experienced ..with a whackjob Pop?

  19. Surplus! Look at the facts, the money spent was money we owed


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