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Saturday, May 17, 2014

States Begin to Face Overwhelming Obamacare Reality

The Medicaid news is not good.

Lots of people signing up? Yes. Is that a good thing? No – it’s bad for poor Americans who need health insurance and bad for taxpayers everywhere.

Yesterday, Indiana’s Mike Pence (R) became the latest governor to move toward expanding his state’s Medicaid program with new federal funding allocated by Obamacare.

Pence is trying to advance some consumer-driven reforms, but he will likely end up with more than he bargained for. Heritage expert Nina Owcharenko warns, “As with most new government programs, original estimates are likely not the true full cost.”


  1. Did people really think we was going to get something from the Gov. Man only proves how stupid some people are to think the Gov. was going to give us something...LOL...How u like Him now ??

  2. Yeah, I can see where 8 MILLION more people with healthy insurance is a bad thing ... wait a minute, no, it's a good thing. Y'all are delusional. If a black man didn't propose it, you;d be lining up saying this was a good thing. Just like when a white man came up with the idea in Massachusetts. Name was Romney or something. Whatever happened to him, anyway?

  3. Good luck finding a doctor... I don't know any doc here in Salisbury that takes it other than TLC---and they are scary

  4. 2:37 You are not paying attention. 6.5 million of those signups had insurance prior to Obama cancelling it. I can tell you're an Obama supporter because you're stupid.

  5. 2:37 none of us wanted Government Insurance....Stop the Race Card Bullshi$

  6. You are one ignorant fool. Do yourself a favor and DO NOT open your mouth in public. You are only proving to smart people how grossly uninformed you are.
    Let me clue you in! Romney didn't come up with the idea in MA. You got it! The democratic controlled House did and for you ignorant butt, Romney attempted to veto many parts of it, but was overruled by the democratic House. Lying like you do, may work in YOUR circles where the people are of the lower IQ levels but it's not going to cut it around here! You got it!
    Another thing quit with the tired old reason it's because Obama's black. No-it's because he is an utter failure and people like you are so uninformed that you think 8 million more have been insured when nothing could be further from the truth.
    You want to know what's happened to Romney. He's counting his 100's of millions and living in luxury laughing at you idiots while more blacks continue to drown more and more in their cesspools of crime and poverty. Blacks deserve it though. When and until they stop settling for substandard representation like Obama will things change.

  7. Is 2:37 lying intentionally or just clueless? It was reported in every major MD media outlet that over 6 million people lost their plans this after Obama famously stated "if you like your current plan you can keep it."
    I don't like Obama because he lies and 2:37 if you like him and accept his lies then you have some major character flaws and weren't raised by people who were moral decent people. No one should accept a liar. It's a sin.


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