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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Homeowner’s AR-15 trumps home invader’s pistol — aim sure helps

Gun grabbers who want to ban the AR-15 might want to talk to Jonathan Haith.

The North Carolina resident who was confronted by a pistol-wielding home invader escaped injury or death when the man missed with the one shot he got.

Haith and his semi-automatic didn’t miss – which means he’s alive and the home invader is behind bars after hospital treatment, according toWTVD, the ABC affiliate in Raleigh.

Haith, of Henderson, told the station he was awakened about 9:15 a.m. Monday by someone banging on his door. Eventually, the door was broken in and Hath took the rifle he keeps under his bed into the hallway.

There, he confronted the home invader who was crouched in a shooting stance and fired once. The bullet missed Haith and lodged in the wall behind him. Haith returned fire and hit the mark. The bullet went through the man’s shoulder and hit another wall.

As the wounded intruder fled up the street before collapsing, a vehicle pulled out of Haith’s yard to pick up the man, WTVD reported.

By then, Haith had called 911.



  1. Cops don't save lives armed homeowners Do.

  2. Not according to cops.

  3. He should have called 911 and waited for the police to take care of the shooter.


    Thank out Founding Fathers for their wisdom!

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 17, 2014 at 11:04 PM

    Well. according to Joe Biden, he was "suppose to" fire the first shot in the air, call 9-1-1 and wait for the Police, yeah right. Whatcha say. Joe? Hide in the closet? Kudos to the homeowner, nice shooting, sir. As for Joe Biden, you may return to your closet and start making reservations in a Senior Care Home.


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