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Sunday, May 18, 2014

State Employees Making $100K Jumped 20% To 6,847 Last Year

The number of state employees making over $100,000 jumped dramatically to 6,847 in 2013 due to an across-the-board 2% cost-of-living raise, MarylandReporter.com’s fourth annual analysis of state salaries found. Numerically, this represented a 1,184 increase from 2012, a 20% rise in the number of state and university employees making six figures.

Here is the complete list of those state workers making over $100,000. Similar stories from the three previous years are at the bottom of this story.

Despite this, Maryland state salaries were, on average, slightly lower than the average per capita personal income of Maryland residents, according to a database provided by the Comptroller’s office in response to a Public Information Act request.



  1. I for one would love a cost of living increase in my pay - but unfortunately for me I don't work for the state or the government - I work for a small business that the government is trying to put out of business!

  2. WOW.. University of Maryland is the place to be!

  3. 8:12,you got that right!

  4. Amen 8:19, how many of those jobs are actually really needed ? Your tax dollars at work God bless Maryland.

  5. You can thank the Democrats for raping you for every tax dollar they steal from you. Not one Democrat or person voting for a Democrat needs to complain. It's your fault this state and country is in the shape it is in.

    Vote Republican in every election!

  6. Literally cluttered, especially at top, with Univ of MD employees. Wow!

  7. You all sound jelous of success. Get an education; maybe then you can make a good living either in the public of private sector.

  8. @9:16 You are an idiot - I am a small business owner with Highly educated Employees, but due to being double and sometimes triple taxed on things in this County and this state - I can not afford to just hand out cost of living raises! There is no Government money coming in to me to just hand out to people as it is with state and government jobs.

  9. 9:16 Haha. Half of those people are not educated. And, if they are, it shows WHY education is not important. Experience > Education, all day, every day. Your college degree versus my toilet paper... one of those does its job. The other is your degree.

  10. I, for one, love my cushy job with the Maryland government. I am able to work for a well-oiled machine that I believe in. I really look forward to a raise from time to time because I work for the people.

  11. 1100am.....Troll
    Here you are loving your "cushy job" on the tax payers nickel...obviously getting paid for commenting on a Blog.. during work hours..
    As I first said... you are a troll.
    For me, I am doing my job for my client as I troubleshoot their computer.
    At the end of the day I know I have taken the high road!

  12. Damn - that's a lot of money for surfing porno sites all day.

  13. 4:32
    It is a lot of money and I enjoy it very much.

  14. Glad to contribute, 5:26. Which branch of our esteemed bureaucracy do you 'work' for?

  15. our neighbors sold their home for a loss of almost 100K$ because the University of Maryland paid to have them both (both significant others} move from Salisbury to the Western Shore


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