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Sunday, May 18, 2014

A Child Is Born

Whenever someone asks what your best moments in your life ever were, most people, (including myself) say the moment our children were born.

Yesterday morning I got up very early to publish articles for the day so I could slip away to Annapolis General Hospital where my 4th Grandchild was born. 

My Son now has two beautiful Daughters. Life is good!


  1. Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations on your 4th, Joe.

  3. Congratulations Joe!

  4. Congratulations Joe! Being a grandparent is one on life's most
    wonderful things that God gives us.
    God Bless you all.

  5. Big congrats Joe

  6. Congradulations! Just keep them away from your hair dye.

  7. 11:17, Do I detect some jealousy?

    I do not, (nor ever have) dyed my hair.

    You can ask Eric the Barber or my Wife. While there's plenty of gray in my facial hair, there is gray on my head but they are very few and far between, so far.

    My Father was the same way and for the most part, still is. You can't beat luck!

  8. Awesome you could be there in your most awesome shirt! You should open a haberdashery.

  9. Congratulations on this newest bundle of joy.

  10. Little ones like that are why we have to make this world a better place. They deserve it and it is all of our responabilities to give it to them. I have seven, dont see some of them the way I would like so Im going to have to work on that. Congrates Joe and family.

  11. Atta boy Joe! Congrats! Nothing is better than children - I am one of a few of my friends who settled down early in life and started a family. Some of them still go out on the weekends and tease me because I "can't" go. But the truth of the matter is that I'd much rather spend time with my family (and feel better about it in the morning) and if you think about it, they are chasing the same thing that I already have when they head out looking for women. Enjoy your new addition!

  12. Congratulations Joe. Enjoy you newest family member....she is precious!


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