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Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Rialto Assignment Asking Students to Question Holocaust to Be Revised

The Rialto school district planned to revise an eighth-grade assignment that raised red flags by asking students to consider arguments about whether the Holocaust — the systematic killing by the Nazis of some 6 million Jews and millions of others — was not an “actual event” but instead a “propaganda tool that was used for political and monetary gain.”

In a statement released Monday, a spokeswoman for the Rialto Unified School District said an academic team was meeting to revise the assignment.

Interim Superintendent Mohammad Z. Islam was set to talk with administrators to “assure that any references to the holocaust ‘not occurring’ will be stricken on any current or future Argumentative Research assignments,” a statement from district spokeswoman Syeda Jafri read.

“The holocaust should be taught in classrooms with sensitivity and profound consideration to the victims who endured the atrocities committed,” Jafri said.



  1. Yes I am shocked that this was an assignment. But the bigger question is who are the people that put this assignment together? Shouldn't they have realized what they were doing?

    This type of assignment might be valid in a college level class about journalism or philosophy. At least there they can spend a great deal of time discussing the topic completely. But it has no place being taught in a high school.

    This is how we repeat our mistakes. Its dangerous.

  2. Should they have realized.. note the names..

    Interim Superintendent Mohammad Z. Islam was set to talk with administrators to “assure that any references to the holocaust ‘not occurring’ will be stricken on any current or future Argumentative Research assignments,” a statement from district spokeswoman Syeda Jafri read.

  3. If you can convince youngsters (remember what Stalin said about repeating a lie until it was accepted as truth???) that the Holocaust was a hoax, then the entire narrative about the dangers of accepting lies and totalitarianism from leaders will also be in question. That's exactly what they want, exactly what they teach, and exactly how they can control the sheep.
    History DOES repeat itself, even if you refuse to believe that any of it actually happened --- they just photoshopped all those pictures of thousands of Jews at train stations, being guarded by attack dogs and armed SS troops.
    Stalin would be SO proud of us -- he's the guy still revered in Russia, even though he killed 20 MILLION of his own people.
    Richard Pryor said it best ---"Who ya gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?".


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