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Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Mayor to Resurrect Attempt at NYC Big Soda Ban

Hide your Big Gulps, again, New York.

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced this week his administration will pick up where former mayor Michael Bloomberg left off and will continue the battle to ban sodas larger than 16 ounces. The city will appeal a state court ruling that axed the ban last year.

City lawyers will argue the case at the Court of Appeals on June 4, the New York Daily News reported this week.

Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg got lots of headlines in 2012 when he declared war on Big Gulps and other large sugary drinks.


1 comment:

  1. Live as I do, talk like I talk, eat what I eat, drink what I drink and never admit when you're wrong. That's just a start to what's wrong with Democrats and their beliefs/agenda.


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