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Monday, May 12, 2014

Minimum Wage Order Sends Veterans Packing From Nursing Homes

SHREVEPORT, La - Some military veterans are being forced to leave their nursing home. It's an unintended consequence of President Obama's executive order in February to raise the minimum wage for new federal contract workers from $7.25 to $10.10 an hour.

Sandy Franks, public affairs officer at Shreveport's Overton Brooks V. A. Medical Center, explains that nursing homes that have contracts for subsidized care from the Veterans Administration become federal contractors. If they refuse to raise their wages, their contracts will not be renewed.

Former Marine A.J. Crain just wheeled himself into his new room at Shreveport Manor on Mansfield Road when he got the news that the home's contract will end this month.


  1. Who said it was an "unintended" consequence?? Ob's intention is to disrupt everything possible in our society in order to force civil disobedience that will culminate in Martial Law. Hitler could not have done it better.

  2. close down the facilities all together ..they were built to be used and have sustained themselves with the capital it received to perform this function... time to seize them and turn them over to a competent provider.. can you imagine the quality of the care they offer?

    My Brother is a Veteran in a Rehab in Silver Spring.. the State of Maryland likes to project that they are all over them for the illegal aliens they employ and their lack of initiative and respect for the patient..

    Yet Progressive leadership can lie and finger point at good people while they allow situations like this to exist all over this Country.

  3. BS, all about the medical industrial complex profits.


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