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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Michelle Obama Would Like Students to Monitor Family Members for Racial Insensitivity

First lady Michelle Obama is encouraging students to monitor their older relatives, friends and co-workers for any racially insensitive comments they might make, and to challenge those comments whenever they’re made.

The first lady spoke on Friday to graduating high school students in Topeka, Kansas, and in remarks released over the weekend, Obama said students need to police family and friends because federal laws can only go so far in stopping racism.

“[O]ur laws may no longer separate us based on our skin color, but nothing in the Constitution says we have to eat together in the lunchroom, or live together in the same neighborhoods,” she said. “There’s no court case against believing in stereotypes or thinking that certain kinds of hateful jokes or comments are funny.”


  1. The Pot calling the Kettle BlackMay 19, 2014 at 4:53 PM

    Look in the Mirror BIATCH....

  2. In which direction is she calling this? If she means black on white she has a good point.

  3. The Mirror is a peaceful place where all lifes lessons can be found. All the Mirror does is show you, you. Hardest thing in the world to look at sometimes.

  4. lmao, all the kids have to do is watch the news/police reports and they are smart enough to form their own opinions about the trash that runs among us. maybe michelle ought to ask the children from these underperforming families to challenge their parents to be better members of society. but then they might have to change their lifestyles and that's way to hard! f off michelle, shouldn't you be more worried about your next vacation?

  5. Recruiting children to narc on their parents for pc infractions, didn't the Nazi's do this?
    Shameful and disgusting turn of events.
    Time for tin foil hats so that the government can't arrest me for my racist thoughts.

  6. Hitler youth movement rides again.

  7. There is going to be cash rewards paid to the child "Informant", for turning in a "Racist" Parent! Nazi Youth movement in progress!

  8. Who cares what this freak has to say. Anyone who puts up with a man who lies like hers does is to be dismissed for the putrid person she is. She needs to clean her own house before she dares tell anyone else to clean theirs. She's piss poor excuse as a woman and a mother.

  9. This is the most devisive administration in the past century. Totally disgusting.

  10. 7:29 - Don't forget - She is a disgrace as the First Lady!!! Puttin is laughing at all of us!!!
    Her hubby is a MAJOR disgrace as President!!!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    7:29 - Don't forget - She is a disgrace as the First Lady!!! Puttin is laughing at all of us!!!
    Her hubby is a MAJOR disgrace as President!!!

    May 19, 2014 at 9:22 PM

    she's not even close to being a lady, or a woman for that matter. look at 'her' closely. she has all the traits of a man.

    her 'husband' however, displays the traits of a bitch

  12. If the whole Obama family fell off the face of the earth, it would immediately be a better place.
    The truth is foreign to these types. She needed to tell this predominately minority graduating class the truth for once.
    They need to stop killing each other in record numbers, committing other crimes in record numbers, making babies in record numbers and then the so called racist comments will stop. Stop giving people a reason to make fun of your sorry asses then they have a right to scream racism. Until then they need to sit down and shut up about what others are doing and clean their own houses.
    As far as the n word. They need to suck it up if they hear it. The blacks are making the word have a comeback so if whites want to use it they will and they can.

  13. What a waste of precious oxygen!

  14. Her birth name was Michael LaVaughn Robinson.She was once a he.

  15. Maybe her two kids will do the same to her and their father.

  16. That's how blacks and Democrats indoctrinate kids. They get them to turn on their family members. She is directing these comments to the white kids. There is no one more racist than blacks, especially the Obamas.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Who cares what this freak has to say. Anyone who puts up with a man who lies like hers does is to be dismissed for the putrid person she is. She needs to clean her own house before she dares tell anyone else to clean theirs. She's piss poor excuse as a woman and a mother.

    May 19, 2014 at 7:29 PM

    You better care. It's time to fight back.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Her birth name was Michael LaVaughn Robinson.She was once a he.

    May 20, 2014 at 9:54 AM

    It wouldn't surprise me.

    I did read an article that Jeremiah Wright set Obama up to marry Michelle to help his political career. It is said that Obama is gay and spent a lot of time in gay hangouts swinging with other men. Some of his gay friends mysteriously died.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Maybe her two kids will do the same to her and their father.

    May 20, 2014 at 10:15 AM

    Good point, but I doubt seriously that he is actually the father.

  20. She is the racist! She hates white people

  21. For the first time in her life she is proud to be an American.

  22. Wait a mintute! is Ms Cobana Black? Maybe that explain things?

  23. Red China did the same thing --- encouraging children to tell on their parents for expressing unpopular political viewpoints.
    The Chinese government picked those parents up and "reeducated" them. In penal colonies and labor farms. MILLIONS were killed, but ALL were "reeducated".
    Now, kids, lets do "race"!
    But, I do agree that there is no law that can FORCE us to like anyone or any lifestyle. Not yet.
    Keep cheering, though, especially the part where a government leader starts encouraging CHILDREN to be informers on their parents and friends.
    That stupid b***h would be right at home in North Korea.


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