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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Donald Sterling’s Response to NBA’s Deadline on Ownership Decision

The NBA charged Donald Sterling on Monday with damaging the league and its teams with his racist comments, setting up a June 3 hearing after which owners could vote to terminate his ownership of the Los Angeles Clippers.

The league also said the banned owner has engaged in other conduct that has impaired its relationship with fans and merchandising partners.

“All of these acts provide grounds for termination under several provisions of the NBA constitution and related agreements,” the league said in a statement.


  1. What racist comments?

  2. He's a damn cracker , don't ya know!

  3. Freedom of speech. It's not yours to take.

  4. That league is a joke. Any professional sport that has to REQUIRE a dress code, is damaged goods. Sterlings star player "don't want to play for no white coach", where was the outrage over that?

  5. He has a constitutional right to say what he said....especially in the privacy of his own home - where that privacy was to be expected....laws may have been broken in order to acquire the recording - also reinforcing his expectation of privacy.

    There's a distinct difference between tolerance and acceptance...our society expects tolerance in the guise of political correctness - acceptance is internal and even more personal....

  6. Jay-Z, who is a former partial owner of the Nets, makes racial comments in his CrapRap songs and refers to us honkeys as "crackers."
    This was acceptable by the NBA and the team owners!? Where's the justice???
    Obviously there are double-standards in the league.

  7. 84% of NBA players are black.
    That is just WRONG! It is discrimination against white players! The NBA is RACIST. Where is the NAAWP? The ACLU?
    Why hasn't Sterling done more to protect the interests of WHITE players?
    Black peoples cries of racism are no longer valid kinda like the boy who cried wolf one to many times.

  8. If the guy agreed to a code of conduct as an NBA team owner, then he is flat out wrong and must pay the consequences!

  9. There is something called a Franchise Agreement. Sterling owns a pro basketball team governed under a franchise agreement. He applied for it and agreed to it's terms. He violated the agreemnt. End of story. Has nothing to do with free speech.

  10. Exactly how did he violate the agreement 9:31...? If HE did Then so has Jay-Z. Where's his fine and banishment?

  11. Sterling was set-up! What do you think Al Sharpton are Jessie Jackson discusses!

  12. While he is an idiot... he has a right to say what he wants - freedom of speech in America and for those of you who believe he violated the franchise agreement, I believe when it is all said and done, you will find out that he has not violated it.

  13. Anonymous said...
    While he is an idiot... he has a right to say what he wants - freedom of speech in America and for those of you who believe he violated the franchise agreement, I believe when it is all said and done, you will find out that he has not violated it.

    May 20, 2014 at 12:31 PM

    Why do you say he is an idiot? If he was an idiot he wouldn't have made the money he has made.

  14. I would have no objection to the owners voting, however, I feel that it should be done by secret ballot, so no one would feel the threat of being called racist.

    Signed, Sports Fan

  15. "He applied for it and agreed to it's terms. He violated the agreemnt. End of story. Has nothing to do with free speech."

    Where did he violate the terms of the agreement? What did he say PUBLICLY that can be used against him? Will all other owners and players allow their private conversations to be recorded and reviewed for violations? If not, then you have an uneven application of the league bylaws. There is no 'end of story' here until Sterling decides there is. I hope he makes these sleazy bastages pay dearly.

  16. The Guggenheim Family covets his property (team).

    Magic works for the Guggenheim's interest.

  17. Hey, LOOK! A squirrel!

  18. The 2 connected posts went well together.


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