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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Just A Reminder!

Queen Anne's County Office of the Sheriff
With warmer temps on their way..please remember the temp OUTSIDE Of your car is not what it is INSIDE Of your car. DO NOT leave pets inside your vehicle.

Remember, even if it's nice outside, your car can quickly become an oven for your dog.


  1. I agree unless the A/C is on.

  2. Mr. Albero, please share this info with SPD...at least one of their officers does not understand that a dog in a car on a warm/hot day - even with the windows cracked - can die in a short period of time.

    Thank you.

  3. 8:13 PM

    Take a brick and bust the window and set the dog free, but be careful the dog does not attack you.

  4. Take pictures and send to Joe.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Take pictures and send to Joe.

    May 24, 2014 at 11:59 PM

    Take pictures of a dead dog?

    Take pictures of a dog overheating in a cop car which is about to die?

    How about take a picture of window you smashed and a happy dog looking and jumping up to you?

    I prefer that last one.

  6. Call the SPD and tell them that there is a life at risk in an overheated car and you are about to put a brick through the window and see how fast they reply. Hopefully very fast.

  7. @1:55
    Go for it. We would like to see your mug shot on the press release after you get released from PRMC for being eaten by a K9. LOL.


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