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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Clintons Exposed: New Bill And Hillary Scandal, This Time In Haiti

There’s over $100 million dollars misspent in Haiti
under your management with your wife’s approval.
Wanna comment???????

Hang on to your hats, ya’ll. America’s most famous grifters may well have bilked Haiti out of hundreds of millions of dollars raised to rebuild Port-Au-Prince after the BIG earthquake four years ago:

The news website Tout Haiti reported last month that two prominent lawyers have petitioned Haiti’s Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes, demanding an audit of Bill Clinton’s management of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC). There are powerful interests that won’t want to see the petition succeed and it may go nowhere. But the sentiment it expresses is spreading fast. In the immortal words of Charlie Brown, Mr. Clinton has gone from hero to goat.

Four years after a magnitude 7.0 earthquake toppled the capital city of Port-au-Prince and heavily damaged other parts of the country, hundreds of millions of dollars from the State Department’s U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), allocated to the IHRC, are gone. Hundreds of millions more to the IHRC from international donors have also been spent. Left behind is a mishmash of low quality, poorly thought-out development experiments and half-finished projects.

Haitians are angry, frustrated and increasingly suspicious of the motives of the IHRC and of its top official, Mr. Clinton. Americans might feel the same way if they knew more about this colossal failure. One former Haitian official puts it this way: “I really cannot understand how you could raise so much money, put a former U.S. president in charge, and get this outcome.” SOURCE – WSJ



  1. You know I remember when Clinton came out with those commercials about donating, and the funds name was something like Clinton Hattie fund cant really remember exact name but my husband said he will keep that money and Hattie will never see it, looks like he was right.

  2. It mentions in the linked article clinton's responsibility in the banking crisis of 2008 due to his expansion of the Community Reinvestment Act.
    I just want to throw up on the ignoramuses who believe obama when he says he inherited the recession from President Bush.
    If the democrats who controlled Congress at the time had listened to President Bush and the Republicans there would not have been a recession. Everything and anything the democrats have ever touched has turned into a colossal failure. They are good for nothing except lying.
    Vote straight Republican this election. The worst Republican is far far better than any democrat.


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