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Saturday, May 10, 2014

'Grumpy' Nancy Pelosi Not Happy With Democrats Who Supported Benghazi Panel

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was not pleased with Democrats who suggested that Democrats work with Republicans on the select Benghazi committee, according to a report from Politico’s Jake Sherman and Lauren French.

During her caucus meeting on Friday, Pelosi sarcastically told members of her party, “Thanks a lot for giving me leverage over the last couple of days.”

Pelosi was likely referring to a number of rank-and-file Democrats who signaled support for participating in the Benghazi committee - and even some Democrats who voted with Republicans to create the committee.

Pelosi was in Los Angeles this week for a series of fundraisers with President Obama.

According to Politico sources, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) joked that Pelosi “just flew to L.A. and back in two days and that can make you a little grumpy.”



  1. How about the American people thanking the same Democrats for doing what is right!

    Time for you to retire Ms Pelooser!

  2. Just hearing her name makes me grumpy. Seeing her picture makes me ill. Seeing what she is doing to our country makes me angry and sad at the same time because we are truly powerless to stop her party from destroying our nation.

  3. 2:54 No we are not powerless. We the people have much power when working together and asking for help from the Lord to stop the evil destroying our great country.

  4. Pelosi uses Congress for George Soros .. the way the Girls at the Bunny Ranch use the brothel


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