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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Distracted Driving Citations On The Rise

State troopers are increasingly writing tickets for distracted driving offenses, according to Maryland State Police data.

Moreover, toughening Maryland's ban on cellphone use while driving appears to have increased such citations.

Before October, police could ticket a driver for using a mobile device only if that driver had also committed another violation. Since then, authorities have been able to pull over drivers for that reason alone.


  1. I Hope the Sheriffs write the Troopers up for being on the cell phones .

  2. Shame they don't get more of them - or require more stringent instruction and testing of all drivers, including current licensees. LEO's are exempt because they have first class driver instruction and rigorous standards, unlike momma sitting at the green light talking about what's for dinner.

  3. I don't think they are exempt because of any "first class driver training" any more than they are allowed to speed, run stop signs and break any and all the traffic laws they want because of any "training". And what's the difference between momma talking about dinner at a traffic light and a cop talking to his boyfriend at the same light about when his OTHER boyfriend won't be home?
    Believe this --- the day is not far off when the Gestapo will be conducting random "checkpoints" where, for no reason at all, they will pull you over for a "safety" inspection, a license check, a car search, and a breath test for drugs and alcohol. Because, after all, after charging you taxes for the roads you use, the car you drive, the gas you use and the salaries they collect, and all the tolls, fees, and surcharges, they are kind enough to grant you the "PRVILEDGE" of driving.
    Its only by their good graces and generous heart that you are allowed to even walk outside. Even then, the police have killed citizens for just doing THAT, so
    Keep cheering.
    Don't say I didn't warn you about the results of all your clapping, cheering "goot ci-di-zin" antics.

  4. 2:47 marijuana does make one paranoid

  5. like Cops have a special ability to discern and make subjective assertions.. they would make great figure skating judges in the Olympics

  6. 7:33 a keyboard does not make one exceptional... either


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