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Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Where O’Malley Is Positioned For 2016 Presidential Run

ANNAPOLIS — A look at preparations by Gov. Martin O’Malley for a potential 2016 presidential campaign:

Nondenial denial: “No one ever goes down this road, I would hope, without giving it a lot of consideration and a lot of preparation and a lot of thought work, and so that’s what I’m doing.” — February. Spoke earlier of building “a body of work that lays the framework of the candidacy for 2016,” in an acknowledgment of presidential ambition that is rare in the field.

Book: No. “I’m not sure where I’d find the time for that.” It’s probably only a matter of time before he suddenly finds the time.

Iowa: Yes, in fall 2012 headlined U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin’s annual steak fry, a must-stop for many Democrats seeking to compete in the leadoff caucuses. In Maryland, attended fundraiser for U.S. Rep. Bruce Braley, who is running for the Senate in Iowa.



  1. O'Malley will be our next Vice President, it's a done deal. All details have already been worked out with Hillary.

  2. If he were a caring father he would spare his family the embarrassment. In a Baltimore Sun poll recently he only got 6% in the democrat presidential primary. He won't win and if his family hasn't a problem being paraded around like a bunch of freaks at a freak show let them then we can laugh at them when he fails miserably.


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