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Tuesday, April 08, 2014


1. Out-Of-Control Spending

When Obama took office, we were $10 trillion in debt — we are now nearly $17 trillion. INCREDIBLE!


  1. Alternative title: The Top 10 Right-Wing Delusions About Obama

    ...except for #10. Not impeachable, likely. But a stain on our national honor, for sure.

  2. The only reason Clinton's #'s look better is because of Microsoft, Apple and other tech companies that created a lot of jobs that have since moved abroad.

  3. 11:07. That's true. And also because Clinton reached across the aisle from time to time.

  4. 11:07

    You sure it had nothing to do with 0 wars, 0 recessions and 0 additional debt? Clinton balanced some books. And kept it that way over 2 terms. Give the man some credit!

  5. Many military events occurred during Clinton's presidency. The Battle of Mogadishu occurred in Somalia in 1993. During the operation, two U.S. helicopters were shot down by rocket-propelled grenade attacks to their tail rotors, trapping soldiers behind enemy lines. This resulted in an urban battle that killed 18 American soldiers, wounded 73 others, and one was taken prisoner. There were many more Somali casualties. Some of the American bodies were dragged through the streets – a spectacle broadcast on television news programs. In response, U.S. forces were withdrawn from Somalia and later conflicts were approached with fewer soldiers on the ground.

    In 1995, U.S. and NATO aircraft attacked Bosnia, remember Serbia? how soon we forget. Another event was when navy seals were caught by the media trying to slip up onto the beach, however failed because of a leak in classified information and the media was waiting for them. What an embarrassment. Clinton also continued enforcing the no fly zone in Iraq. Just because we weren't in a declared war doesn't mean that we weren't militarily active.

    He also failed on several attempts to kill Osama bin Laden, that only created more terrorists. Nine months after Clinton left office 9/11 went down.

  6. All in all Clinton did an excellent job.Bear in mind that no president in history has ever fixed everything because that's not possible.That was a great 8 years.

  7. "That was a great 8 years." In spite of Clinton. Really - he did nothing worthwhile.


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