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Thursday, April 17, 2014

VOTE Yourself A Raise!

We all know the necessity of paying taxes. But the only necessity for the 40 new taxes and fees imposed by the O'Malley-Brown administration over the past 7 years was to perpetuate the fiscally insane, tax and spend culture of state government.

     Did our state budget really have to increase a billion dollars in each of those years? Did we really have to impose taxes on everything from gas to rain? Instead of all those new taxes, would it not have been better to control the obscene growth of the state bureaucracy?

      We know there is a better way and with your help we can change that culture forever. Recently, we proposed a common-sense plan to put Maryland on a glide path to gradually eliminating the state's personal income tax.

    In the coming days, we will be airing a TV commercial highlighting our plan to cut and eliminate taxes. You can view it here.

     The eventual result would be an actual PAY RAISE for taxpayers: $1500 for those filing jointly and $750 for singles.
     This tax plan would help stop the thousands of Marylanders who are fleeing to tax-friendlier states every year for one simple reason, they cannot afford to live here.

       In fact, over the last eight years this exodus has cost the state over $8 billion in lost revenue.

      The truth is I am the only candidate for governor with a plan to eliminate the state income tax. I also have plans to do away with a lot of other unnecessary and unfair taxes, like eliminating state taxes on the pensions of anyone who served the public in uniform.

       As Harford County Executive, I cut taxes without affecting services and still managed to build schools, create jobs and preserve open spaces. So it can be done, and it will be done as your next governor.
         Remember, on June 24th to vote yourself a pay raise and a tax cut! With your help we can turn Maryland around and make the future brighter.
                                                                 David and Jeannie
By Authority: Craig-Haddaway for Maryland, Franklin Hajek, CPA., Treasurer 


  1. Nice thought, but $1500 a year is not going to stop the bleeding of people

  2. 12:32 - correct, but it may turn this socialist state around and get it producing again...which will benefit all that remain!

  3. Anonymous said...
    Nice thought, but $1500 a year is not going to stop the bleeding of people

    April 17, 2014 at 12:32 PM

    I hate ignorant and negative people. They are the ones that are holding this country back.

  4. 12:32 Putting $1500/$750 back into every taxpayers pocket wouldn't help? We should be taking more from them, right? GTFO my country.


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