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Thursday, April 17, 2014

IRS Demands Ron Paul’s List of Donors

Ron Paul’s nonprofit Campaign for Liberty will fight the Internal Revenue Service’s demand that it reveal its donor list to the agency, despite having already been fined for refusing to do so.

“There is no legitimate reason for the IRS to know who donates to Campaign for Liberty,” Megan Stiles, the communications director at Campaign for Liberty, told the Washington Examiner in an email on Tuesday. “We believe the First Amendment is on our side as evidenced by cases such as NAACP v. Alabama and International Union UAW v. National Right to Work. Many 501(c)(4) organizations protect the privacy of their donors in the very same way as Campaign for Liberty. For some reason the IRS has now chosen to single out Campaign for Liberty for special attention. We plan to fight this all the way.”

Ron Paul suggested that the group will refuse to pay the IRS fine in an fundraising email to supporters about the agency’s request for information.



  1. I hope he defies them forever. They have no right to get this list or any other list. More intimidation so others won't donate to him and other groups like this. I hope you understand what's going on here...

  2. more lawless behavior by un-elected pinhead Progressive bureaucrats who think they possess a purview and rule over the American people..

    Obama has fomented the exponential growth of this mindset -- who are people who actually reward themselves bonuses-- is a mental illness


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