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Friday, April 25, 2014

Rights Before Law

The point of government among free men and women is to protect individual rights. The law rests on rights. Before there is law, codified or part of local practice, there are people, individuals with their rights who may need and want competent and professional protection of such rights. 

Accordingly, when one is born into a free country, one is immediately recognized as a rights-holding individual. If all the officers of the law were to vanish – in an earthquake or tsunami – those who live in the area would have and keep having their rights just as they would have and keep having their birthday. Law and documentation follow. 

One born to parents who own property – such as land, goods, etc. – and bequeath it to their offspring can thus own property as well. Furthermore, one may hire – elect – some fellow citizens to provide one with protection of such rights. One can reach an agreement, a compact, with some who would be paid for their legal services. A contract or constitution could be entered into so as to formalize the agreement.

1 comment:

  1. Having years in law... trust me when I tell you.,, there is nothing written on paper that cannot be challenged or overturned. Mans law is flimsy at best.


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