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Friday, April 25, 2014

Maryland’s Endemic Corruption: An Object Lesson for the Nation

Maryland is one of the most corrupt states in our nation. Nowhere is this fact more evident than with the state’s treatment of illegal aliens. Maryland politicians have literally become lawless in their efforts to cultivate illegals, and this lawlessness flows downhill from the very top. I will focus on a few of the more egregious examples.

In 2011, we published a report on CASA de Maryland, a Silver Spring-based illegal immigrant advocacy group that parrots ACORN in both its methods and associates—which include the Communist Party USA, FMLN, (a former Salvadoran communist guerilla group, now a political party), ACORN and others. Yet it is one of the most influential organizations in the state.

CASA receives significant state government funding, while Director Gustavo Torres and his wife, Sonia Mora both hold influential positions within that same government. Torres is a member of the Governor’s Council for New Americans and served on Governor Martin O’Malley’s transition team. Mora sits on the Governor’s Hispanic Affairs Commission and manages Montgomery County’s Latino Health Initiative. This is unseemly if not illegal. Torres’ primary source of income is CASA de Maryland, and CASA owes its inordinate influence to its many supporters in state government.



  1. Great article. Hope people take the time to read it. If you live in Maryland it affects you.

  2. And each and every one om them are Democrats. Surprise, surprise.

  3. Great article, I will share this with every Marylander I know.. especially the Dems.

  4. Communists in MD government? I'm so shocked...NOT.

  5. "Anonymous said...
    Great article, I will share this with every Marylander I know.. especially the Dems.

    April 25, 2014 at 10:34 AM"

    If you really want to see the dems run like hell be sure to point out that omally just like their new bad guy Cliven Bundy is refusing to recognize federal laws. Pointing out hypocrisies really burns them up.


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