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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Md. Announces Slew Of Electric Car Chargers Along Highways

LAUREL, Md. - Standing next to a new charging station, Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler touted the fast EV chargers set to be installed along Maryland highways.

The grant process will start soon using $1 million in funds. Gansler says the state will match any private investment in the chargers.

"Approximately 20 of them from this money will go in from western Maryland to Ocean City and across the state," Gansler says.


  1. Why? Do you know anyone that owns one? Have you ever even seen a Volt? I haven't, so why does the college have several of these? Do they actually get used?

  2. Wow that's great. You can commute to work and stop along the way for your 6 hour charge up (Tesla 21 hours to a complete charge)

  3. Why is the AG making this announcement?

  4. Let's just piss money away!

  5. Such a waste of money.

  6. There was a program on PBS where a couple drove their electric car from Mid Maryland to OC and plotted their adventure as to where they could stop and charge.

    Actually there are electric cars in Salisbury and there is a charging station at the University.

    Between Easton and Salisbury there are virtually none.

    What was sad to watch during the program was that they did this during the summer and could not run their A/C during that leg of the trip, or they would not have made it because they would not have had enough power to make it to Salisbury on that 100 degree day.

    So to you naysayers about wasted money, you need to turn off the stupid programs you watch and seek out some educational TV on occasion.

  7. There ain't none on the shore because rednecks can't afford an electric car and they ain't no good for hauling deer shot out of season.

  8. And I bet the electrify is free. I saw one at Harris Teeter's parking lot in downtown Baltimore that was free.

    Can you say desperation?


  9. I charge a Volt at SU regularly. Got mine in March 2012. Nearly 20,000 miles on it already and I have put gas in it 3 times. I charge mostly at home where it costs me $1.10 for 30-35 miles of electric range. So, $1.10 for 30 miles rather than $3.30 for 30 miles using gas. I like my Volt.

  10. I just gotta comment about the volt...aside from the fact that other peoples money paid for part of the car, does it really feel good knowing that the extra electricity to charge the car mostly comes from burning coal?

  11. Just where do they dispose the lead from all the batteries in those electric cars?v Hmmm?

  12. just where do you dispose of those mercury filled light bulbs 6:51? Hmmmm?

  13. Delmarva Power is using them in their service vehicles. They are called Voltswagons.

  14. 7:20 I don't have any in my homes. Bought 10 cases of 100 watt and 60 watt bulbs 2 years ago.

  15. I wouldn't trade my Leaf for anything.I never like pushing my luck,but the other day I drove it 120 miles on a charge.It's rated at 125,but I rarely push it that far.

  16. don't they have different electrical plugs like generators that each seems different


  17. In all the various program segments I've seen there is no cost to recharge these things away from home. At some point the 'free ride' recharge on everyone else's dime will end.

    And as noted above, most electricity is generated from coal or petro stocks meaning that superior feeling misses some engineering calculations.

    Not to mention the direct subsidies to buy them.

    Know two folks with plug-in Prius models; subsidy was the tipper in purchases.

    Plus they use the highways w/o paying motor fuel taxes thus robbing urban commuters (since MD siphons off fuel taxes for other frivolities).


  18. Looking forward to the pit stops in Indy 500 and NASCAR!

  19. If you are visiting someone do you plug your car in and suck on their electricity?
    What does it do to your electric bill at home?

  20. Annie, I do educate myself on "smart cars". It's fraudulent, at best. All that tax money, MILLIONS, BILLIONS, to companies that folded. And no progress was seen. So, watch your biased PBS shows, when you're ready to wake up, call me. 867-5309.

    To 5:00, I'd take one "redneck" over a million of "YOU". At least I would have someone who can do things for themselves. Versus a whiny, spoiled, do nothing. Peasant.

  21. Cars powered by Thorium will run 100 years without refueling.The radiation developed off of a Thorium powered car can be shielded by a single sheet of aluminum foil,making it quite safe.

  22. And we're gonna all sit there for 6 hours to recharge? Whatta CROCK!

  23. charge it at home or get rid of it. Hear my lips, IT TAKES TOO LONG!

  24. This why my electric bill is over a thousand a month?

  25. Hey, since virtually no one has an electric car except for the Gov sector, I was wondering, during my drive to oc if can charge up my cell phone? Since there are no waits for any car to use them, thanks dude!

  26. 8:23 you are a dinosaur.
    I look forward to your extinction. Technology has to start somewhere. Research costs money. Nothing ever works 100% the first time.

    Cry me a river when gas hits $5.00 a gallon and us solar charging electric cars are running circles around ya.

    Dust off your bicycle dude, you will eventually need it.

  27. If this is an example of Gansler's priorities for Maryland, NEXT!

  28. Gas engines are more green than electric cars.

  29. 12:05
    I've been hearing that same rhetoric for 30 years.


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