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Sunday, April 27, 2014

It's Friday Night, Where Is Everybody?

I have to admit, this is the first Friday night I've seen the Old Mill parking lot so empty is many, many years!

One has to wonder just how many of the vehicles parked there are employees? 

This picture was taken around 7:15 PM tonight. 

Click on image to enlarge.


  1. Be careful u may b arrested for taunting lol

  2. 8:13, Just following up on a great story. Just the facts, mam. Pictures do not lie.

    1. Im glad there is someone who tells it like it is

  3. If they end up short on food cost tonight they can always tow cars starting at 9pm 90 bucks a pop that would get them some money smh IDIOTS!!!

  4. That's their busiest time. You have a hell of a following Joe.

  5. Shame on them for being so unfriendly.

  6. Everybody at the Red Roost !!!!

  7. Serve decent crabs at a decent price and you see how little vigilante efforts can be.

  8. I was thinking about going up until I read about the incident with the towed car. I can only imagine that the general public also feels the same way.

  9. $40 a person is the reason I don't go. I don't care what you eat its not worth $40 a person. I can feed 6 people for $40.

  10. They all went to the Golden Corral

  11. They were busier than that on this past Tuesday! Word is spreading fast!

  12. Yes, I saw that the Red Roost is celebrating it's 40th anniversary this weekend.

  13. I cannot say I feel sorry for them one bit.
    If you have a sign up that says no overnight parking, then you wait and see if the car was there overnight before towing it-Period-End of Story. This one is a no brainer. Whoever decided the car had to be towed at that point in time is just a complete dope.
    Secondly how many times has everyone heard or even have said themselves they have all the ammunition they need for.....whatever. It's a commonly used word for proof for something. I took it upon myself to look the definition of ammunition up- considerations that can be used to support one's case in debate.

  14. They treat their employees like crap too..fill out the ballot for the yearly issue of the best of the eastern shore in the metropolitan Don Prouses way or you don't have a job.. If you are the best you don't have to rig the votes to ensure 1st place do you? And threaten employees with their jobs if they don't fill in the blanks with old mill..really??!! Oh and for the record red roost beat them for best crabs last year

  15. I was wondering , really why she was arrested. Maybe the police were at fault , did she break a law? I don't know.
    Anyway I guess the repercussion tells the story somewhat .

  16. Sure is windy out there this morning!

  17. Joe, I discovered I had a family member who was friends with the young lady that was the victim of this whole mess and boy when you hear the rest of the story you realize this whole thing is a great series of wrongs that must be righted. From the treatment by servers to no legal signage regarding the towing of vehicles left overnight and the the hyperboles used in the statements made to police. I wouldn't eat at the Old Mill if someone paid me to!

  18. @Jack Richards What are you trying to say? Makes NO Sense!

    I am done with Old Mill. I think $40.00 to fill up on all the crap they bring you first then eat a few crabs is crazy!! When I go to eat crabs......I want crabs maybe corn and that's it!! That AUCE should be no more that $20.00. Chicken, clam strips and hush puppies can be gotten anywhere and alot cheaper

    These owners need to realize the locals are really what keeps them going and the locals are disgusted with them!! I hope everyone stops eating there, I know we have!

  19. I don't see this whole episode as being a good thing for Old Mill's reputation. It's speaks to how they handle customer complaints. Instead of handling them graciously and dignified they look for revenge. Who would want to go there. I'd be afraid if I had one little problem they would tamper with the food since the climate of revenge seems to be their policy.

  20. 7:50 That is a Down under (Australia, in case that makes no sense to you either LOL) expression meaning good going.

  21. I live in Princess Anne and can get a whole bushel of med crabs for $80, and they are fresh. This place is going down, it appears!

  22. The HELL with them!!!!!!!

  23. The consumers have spoken

  24. Going to red roost with 11 other perplexed tonight, after reading and hearing about old mill, I won't be going back.

  25. Also---"Times are tight" & the average person Cannot afford their
    prices! People are looking for
    the best deals they can find !

  26. If her car had been vandalized , would Old Mill been responsible?

  27. 5:16, no Old Mill wouldn't be responsible. Whomever did the damage would be responsible.
    I get what you are asking and the only time something like that gets sticky so to speak is when someone like a repair shop say, is involved. By handing them the keys and leaving the car, they are assuming some responsibility towards the vehicle and if the car were damaged and car owner could prove negligence they would have to pay for damage.

  28. The Old "Old Mill " was the best!!!!

  29. I run a local tour company and have taken groups of people there on a regular basis. I will take my business elsewhere.

  30. I went there only 3 or4 times and have always liked the red roost over old mill, just that others we went with decided they wanted to go there. But with all this discussion, I know I won't go to the old mill.

  31. I don't understand why they would tow the car in the first place. Whats the point? Maybe I get the gates but not really. Whats the point of the gates.

    Mostly I don't understand the towing. Because it will make for angry customers. They need to stop towing period.

  32. If her car was vandalized the Mill would not be responsible. The Mill is wayyyyy over priced. I do like the servers the owners ehhh not the nicest people I ever met. They should bite the bullet on this one and say they were wrong for having the car towed. They do serve alcohol. Just saying.

  33. I hope Old Mill realizes the POWER of your blog, Joe. They messed with the wrong ONE.

  34. I don't understand why they towed the car to begin with also. She was a customer and besides if their own sign says not to park overnight it wasn't even there overnight.
    And then to not say they were wrong for having the car towed that night and paying for the tow related expenses is as wrong as it gets.

  35. Can we gat an update on the parking lot tonight? Full or empty?

  36. I just rode by. Parking lot is almost EMPTY. Old Mill, you've been BLOGGED!

  37. :) Good. Serves them right.

  38. I was at Red Roost on Sunday and they said this weekend was record-breaking for them. Crabs were awesome, service was great and a lot better atmosphere than Old Mill. Good Job Joe letting the community know about Old Mill and their lack of customer server. WE LOVE RED ROOST!!

  39. well all i can say for the old mill. is i have went past there. few times in the last week yep it's dead.very small amount of cars .So was going to go in SUNDAY as i was walking up i past 2 others ppl. that told me don't waste your money crabs was small and very very light,and was paper shells. hmm.I Knew what that meant.& it was like 730 so this place should had been packed.not at all. yes it is very early in the season for huge crabs but. hmm.think proof is in the looks of the parking lot. hope this young person gets all cleared up.


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