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Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Lawmakers Wrap Up Session Passing Minimum Wage Hike, Marijuana Bills

On the last day of the 2014 Session of the Maryland General Assembly, lawmakers in Maryland have passed the first increase in the minimum wage since 2006.

The House of Delegates this morning voted 87-47 to approve the bill to raise the minimum wage gradually, over a four year period to $10.10-an hour by July, 2018.

The bill also gives workers at state supported nonprofits who care for the disabled a 3.5% annual increase in their salary from 2016-2019.

All of the votes in favor of the bill came from Democrats, who believe this will help low wage workers, particularly women and minorities.


  1. Well pot sales should go up when more people are jobless from employers laying people off from the cost of wages going up. A win win.

  2. This still leaves the only avenue for purchase to be illicit. Can't legally grow, can't legally buy. The black market wins.

  3. You folks need to see this for the victory it is. This is a first battle won in a much larger war. I will happily join you on the steps of our City Hall and smoke a joint on April 20th.

  4. Maryland politicians are spineless cowards believing, and later voting for pot decrim, the passing of a pot bill is a positive step for Maryland. Hey folks, we've just opened another portal for hell.

  5. Maryland politicians are spineless cowards believing, and later voting for pot decrim, the passing of a pot bill is a positive step for Maryland. Hey folks, we've just opened another portal for hell.


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