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Tuesday, April 08, 2014

DEA Administrator Tells Congress Her Agency Is “Fighting Back” Against Administration’s Tolerance of Marijuana Legalization

At a Wednesday House subcommittee hearing, DEA director Michele Leonhart publicly opposed Department of Justice position on legal marijuana in Colorado and Washington and warned of dangers of marijuana legalization … to pets

Statement below from Dan Riffle of the Marijuana Policy Project

— Michele Leonhart, administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), repeatedly criticized the Obama administration at a hearing Wednesday on the DEA’s budget for the upcoming fiscal year.

In a memo released in July 2013, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that it would not interfere with the effective implementation of laws regulating the cultivation and sale of marijuana for adults in Colorado and Washington. When asked by Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) during a Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies subcommittee hearing whether the Obama administration’s tolerant views toward legal marijuana had affected morale at the DEA, which is a branch of the DOJ, Leonhart replied that “our agents are fighting back against those messages. It makes us fight harder.” She had earlier criticized the DOJ for a perceived delay in issuing a response to Washington and Colorado’s new laws, claiming there was “a lot of confusion in those 296 days.”

Leonhart also claimed that public opinion in Colorado is turning against the initiative making marijuana legal, yet two recent polls suggest Colorado residents are more supportive of the law than ever before. A Public Policy Polling survey from March showed that 57% of Colorado voters think marijuana should be legal, and a Quinnipiac poll from February showed 58% support for the state’s legalization law. It was supported by 54.8% of voters in 2012. Finally, Leonhart claimed legalization would be dangerous to pets in Colorado and warned of a surge in veterinary clinic visits due to dogs consuming marijuana.



  1. If Fido is not allowed to drink beer, he cant eat pot either. Rules are rules.

  2. You know that they're stretching when they bring up puppies in an argument.

  3. Is that all she got? It is harmful to pets! Give it up lady.

  4. First it was all about the children. Now it's all about the pets. No more catnip for kitty either.

  5. This idiot makes $165000 a year? Whoever hired her must be high.

  6. Hmmm.? The idiot is the person that isn't making $165K/yr. and not having a clue what they are doing.

  7. Uhhh, French toast!

  8. Michele Leonhart is a fruitcake. It sounds as if she's been in cop mind conditioning for far, far too long. And, yes it's still legal for a cop/DEA admin to lie to you.


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