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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Going Postal: USPS Stocks Up On Guns and Ammo: “It Doesn’t Make a Whole Lot of Sense”

Going postal just took on a whole new meaning.

Earlier this year Kit Daniels reported that the U.S. Postal Service is joining other alphabet federal agencies in stocking up on ammunition and firearms. It’s an alarming trend that has swept the nation over the last several years and one that Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Washington-based Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, calls “highly unusual.”

Conspiracy theories abound over the stockpiling of some two billion rounds of ammunition to date, leaving many wondering what the US government has in store for the American people.

Just last week, in the wake of the most recent Fort Hood shooting, mainstream media issued a report claiming that shooter Ivan Lopez was stockpiling weapons and ammo, when in fact he had purchased a single firearm and perhaps a few hundred rounds for it over a couple of visits to the gun store.



  1. I thought they were broke? Where did the money come from?

  2. Maybe with what they are spending on weapons they could keep a post office open on Saturday for an hour or two.

  3. Anonymous said...
    I thought they were broke? Where did the money come from?

    April 17, 2014 at 1:15 PM

    Good point!

    The government does have a history of finding money by robbing Peter to pay Paul.

  4. Why would they need firearms? And, if they get them... open them up to the citizens, as well. I train more in a week than they do in a year. FFS, this is getting ridiculous.

  5. I keep telling you --- they are getting ready for SOMETHING. And it can't be good.
    Military units practicing with civilian police the suppression of civil unrest, stockpiling unbelievable amounts of ammo, complete and total surveillance of every form of electronic communication, military plans for the confinement and labeling of large groups of CIVILIANS, etc. the list is alarming. What do YOU think all of that is for?
    Right. For your own good.
    Keep cheering, but don't act surprised when a shoot to kill curfew is in place, or you are ordered to report to a "location".


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