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Thursday, April 17, 2014

‘Biggest land grab in the history of the world’

Requested EPA authority over streams would 'freeze' economy

– In a move lawmakers and farmers are calling “the biggest land grab in the history of the world,” the Environmental Protection Agency is requesting jurisdiction over all public and private streams in the United States that are “intermittent, seasonal and rain-dependent.”

The EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in late March jointly released a proposed rule, Waters of the United States, in an effort to clarify which streams and wetlands are protected under the Clean Water Act.

A statement issued by the EPA says “the proposed rule will benefit businesses by increasing efficiency in determining coverage of the Clean Water Act.”

But some lawmakers strongly disagree.



  1. "Largest" Land Grab...

    "Biggest" Land Grab doesn't make any grammatical sense.

  2. I have to wonder how much land was originally stolen or grabbed from NATIVE AMERICANS? ALL OF IT!!!! Yeah that was the biggest LAND GRAB in history, but it was the Government that did it so that doesn't count RIGHT?????

  3. Nope sorry this is not correct! Land is defined as: the part of the earth's surface that is not covered by water, as opposed to the sea or the air. So the title is incorrect cause LAND is NOT WATER! They are after Water not Land!

  4. I suggest reading the rule for yourselves. It does not change the jurisdiction of the EPA. Relying on WND for accurate, non-biased reporting is ridiculous.

  5. Is there not a State that is not "rain dependent"? And, just who in the Hell granted the EPA all this power? Another Socialist move on behalf of Obama.

  6. So I was right, they want the water to suck up and put in bottles to sell to us and china (china needs resources we have because they are running out, they have too many people in one spot)...

    Same reason why they want the bundy ranch... Water and land...

    they want to suck up the free water and charge you for it and your dumb asses will gladly pay for it...

    giving anyone control of water is a moronic thought and action...

    the govt is doing anything necessary to make you their slave, one way or another you will be their slave, if not by money, food or health it will be by water or gun point...

  7. One more time I'll say it. The EPA is a very, very dangerous entity. Perhaps more of Congress then just Andy Harris will open their eyes to that now.

  8. Shut Down, Dismantle, Eliminate, Kill the EPA today. Why wait? Did you elect them? H--l NO !!! These people are nothing but crazy tree huggers who actually belong to the church of global warming. They feed off of my tax dollars and your tax dollars. Get rid of them NOW.

  9. 1:04 You wouldn't be here if we didn't. Evolution would have ceased, or the entire US would be casinos and liquor stores.

  10. 1:13 actually you are totally misinformed. Just by calling this very important part of Agenda 21 a rule indicates to me you have no idea what you are talking about.

    Progressives have to parse words and take shots at anything that makes an honest effort to submit the truth related to the narrative they mindlessly support.

    He is probably here trolling looking for any opportunity to advance the Progressive bundle of lies.. all one needs to remember is the lies surrounding Benghazi and Obamacare

  11. The EPA is the invention of the big corps and the capitalists. Don't be fooled. It was created by Nixon at the urging of his corp executive buddies. They came up with this as a way to skirt the anti trust laws that are in place. Their goal is to regulate small businesses right out of existence, so only a handful of large corps control all services, trade and commerce.

  12. I don't give a rip who "invented" them. Get rid of them NOW. They have outlived their welcome. BE GONE...


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