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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Elijah Cummings: Obstruction of Justice

The back-and-forth drama on the House Oversight Committee has gotten heated over the past few months. Last month, Elijah Cummings threw a fit when Issa shut down a hearing after retired IRS Director Lois Lerner plead the Fifth Amendment.

Issa fired off a personal letter at Cummings, claiming that he and his attorneys were frustrating the fact-finding mission of the Oversight Committee.

Following revelations that Cummings’ staff was working with the IRS to get information on True the Vote, the same group Cummings tried to shame into silence through the race card, further evidence indeed suggests that Cummings was shaking down and intimidating the group, with the help of the IRS.

According to recent reports, Ranking Oversight Committee member Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland) may have been obstructing justice for the past year, preventing the Oversight Committee from investigating the IRS abuses which targeted conservative groups. Released emails reveal that Cummings was working behind the scenes to target True the Vote, despite his protestations to the contrary.

Katherine Englebrecht, the head of True the Vote, filed an ethics complaint againstCummings already. The ranking Congressman sent letters seeking information, but then went public to the press about True the Vote instead of speaking the head of True the Vote for information. Englebrecht argued that Cummings targeted her group for political reasons, as one federal agency after another began investigating the group, carrying with their visits a strong presence of intimidation:



  1. Elijah Cummings is a criminal.
    He is a Democrat and a card carrying member of the American Socialist party. He is probably a closet Communist. He stands for all that is UN-AMERICAN. Try him and hang him for treason! He has no right to represent citizens in our legislative system.

  2. Praying for the day of Elijah GOINGS!

  3. Retire Cummings SOON...

  4. Satan has his angles too.
    Some are fat and ugly.


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