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Thursday, April 17, 2014

City To Drain Reservoir After Teen Is Caught On Tape Urinating In It

PORTLAND, Ore. -- Call it the Big Flush 2, and this time the sequel promises to be much bigger than the original.

Portland officials said Wednesday they are flushing away millions of gallons of treated water for the second time in less than three years because someone urinated into a city reservoir.

In June 2011, the city drained a 7.5 million-gallon reservoir at Mount Tabor in southeast Portland. This time, 38 million gallons from a different reservoir at the same location will be discarded after a 19-year-old was videotaped in the act.



  1. Don't birds, fish and frogs pee and crap in that water as well??? Liberal logic 101

  2. I think I would be more worried about what some crazy person could dump into the water than 1 person that pees in it.

  3. Isn't urine sterile, anyway? And there are people who drink it claiming medical use? Get rid of the camera; problem solved!

    All you're doing by posting this is encouraging more of the same behavior.

  4. You should see some of the stunts and pranks pulled in restaurants with the food! Customers never know what went on with the stuff served to them. I have seen some weird stuff going on while working on the fryers at many local places, my wife and I only eat at the locally owned places because of it. The big chains will hire any idiot, and these kids do awful things behind the scenes with the food!

  5. I think the bigger issue is that people are in a restricted area, or what should be a restricted area.

    1:10 AM is correct.


  6. He'll not only wet himself but soil the back end too when he gets a bill for 38 million gallons!

    Seriously, how silly is that; the dilution factor would be less than miniscule!

    Comments about wildlife and securing the property are on target.

    Or the water authority should start a SWAT Team /sarc

  7. Anonymous said...
    I think I would be more worried about what some crazy person could dump into the water than 1 person that pees in it.

    April 18, 2014 at 1:10 AM

    Then you drink the water idiot!!

    If the water is clean then why is it open to anyone like that? Why isn't it sealed?


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