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Monday, March 10, 2014

SAUERBREY: Taxing Marylanders Until They Flee

Squeezing high earners to fill state coffers has opposite effect

Maryland, one of the bluest of blue states, is the poster child demonstrating that taxing the rich fails to balance the state budget.

Yet Democrats, who have complete monopoly control on all branches of state government, continue to think that doing the same thing over and over will lead to a different result.

Because of its proximity to Washington, D.C., Maryland is one of the wealthiest states in America. Still, it is plagued by fiscal woes. In a vain attempt to eliminate Maryland’s structural deficit, the administration of Gov. Martin O'Malley and Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown has raised taxes, tolls and fees more than 80 times since 2007, while increasing overall government spending by $9.6 billion, or 32 percent, over the same period.

This oppressive tax-and-spend climate is hurting Maryland’s families and forcing many of them to leave the state.



  1. Dam right work in va ..house on market in md ..im done with THE MD politics...libtard diease

  2. I'm looking now and plan to move out of Maryland

  3. Here is another example. Ordinance No. 266 Landlord Licensing, Funny thing, when you click on the link it doesn't really tell you anything about it. Well I can tell you about it because I was at a meeting recently when it was discussed. Actually, there wasn't much discussion to it. The president was totally against it, but the treasurer was all for it. The two others were like sheep following the shepherd. Amazing, no real thought of their own. They couldn't even answer direct questions like "why are you doing this". The rest of the council was clearly pissed with the council president because he wanted to hear their responses too. Apparently this ordinance is tied to creating another position at the police department and a guy in the back said that one of the councilors has a son in the department. Talk about a conflict. It was like something straight out of a Chicago style politic movie. Personally, I think the Police department is big enough. I hope that everybody that rents homes In Fruitland shows up and speaks their mind. It is a stupid idea that is going to do nothing but increase the size of government. It will be interesting to see who puts their hat in the ring next time around for council. Just when I thought that we had a decent council, here comes another way to cost more money. I hear that it was Raymond Carey that pushed for the idea. If any of you decide to go to the meeting, you will get a kick out of what he has to say. You can't make this stuff up.

  4. Thanks, Ellen for commenting, we need the heads up!


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