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Monday, March 10, 2014

Jake’s Law’ Addresses Penalties For Distracted Driving

Five-year-old Jake Owen played a video game in the back seat of the car as his family sat in Baltimore traffic. He excitedly announced, “Mom, I have 42 lives!” Then an SUV slammed into the sedan.

Devin X. McKeiver, 23, was using a cellphone when he rear-ended the car. He didn’t hit the brakes. The impact killed Jake.

Had McKeiver been drunk, he could have faced jail time. Instead, with his lawyer arguing at trial that McKeiver was doing something that everyone does, he was fined $1,000.

Now Jake’s family and others are asking Maryland lawmakers to increase penalties for drivers who cause crashes while talking or texting on a handheld phone. The bill, known in Annapolis as “Jake’s Law,” also would require “distracted drivers” involved in serious crashes to give police basic information about their cellphones, so detectives can more quickly check what they were doing at the moment of impact.



  1. Agree, most people disregard the law and law enforcement doesn't have the time.

  2. Sure hope something is done. My
    husband & I have almost been hit
    several times by those on their
    The people do not listen to
    laws telling them they can't use
    while driving!
    My heart goes out to this lady for
    the needless loss of her child.


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