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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Main Street Delmar Closed Due To Building Collapsing

Line Road, (Rt. 54) running through both Delmar Maryland and Delaware has been closed due to the structural integrity of the building immediately to the left of this photo. 

The South East wall of the building collapsed Wednesday afternoon. A structural engineer was brought in and recommended they close the road down. 

It is expected the road will be closed until Monday evening, (at the earliest) around 5:00 PM. 


  1. I want to know why the building was still standing in the condition it was in. Note to all...it was across the street from the newly renovated Town Hall and the new Police Station. No one was worried while that work was being done. It's a good thing no one was hurt

  2. About a year ago, give or take,I read where the building in question was supposed to be rennovated.Not by the town itself but by an individual.I frequently ride by there and had noticed that the project had not started.

  3. It is sad to see the old buildings waste away with no care.

  4. 9:28,
    As a 25 year commercial working superintendent I do know one thing; while renovating an existing building, it's my job and the job of all my workers to pay attention to the task at hand and to the safety of every portion of the work site.

    The building across the street is just that, the building across the street, and unless it starts crossing the street into my job site, it's neither my job nor the job of any of my workers to be paying any attention to it. It's that kind of inattention to the task at hand that causes accidents and injuries.

    So, are you trying to blame them? I tell you what; get in your car and travel the Shore inspecting buildings for deterioration, and complain to the town fathers about them. Finding fault with others is the easiest job in the world, it's just that it doesn't pay very well.

  5. Calm down, I believe they were referring to the inept government running the Town; spineless turds. The building has had the local blogger on their butts for years. They seem and act as though it’s out of their hands. If you’re a resident and violate one of their ordinances, look out; all of sudden they have the will to act. Bunch of good ole boys & gals.

  6. The blame should fall in the Delmar Delaware Councils lap, this building has been a topic of several of there meeting over the past several years,they just turned a blind eye to it. At one point I asked councilman Rob Thompson about it and his responce was "I can't see it from my house". They have put yet one task off to long and look what has happened. when will it stop?

  7. @8:00am- Very true! That building has been a blight on Delmar for the 15+ years I've lived here. Someone did buy it recently to renovate, but apparently the neglect of its past owner and the town which made no demands over the years, have left it too far gone. Such a shame!

  8. NOW they can collect the insurance on the building. Good! A "friendly fire" would have caused too much collateral damage.

  9. Rob Thompson would never have said that. He bends over backward when it comes to what the residents want. There is also a building inspector in Delmar that should be held accountable. No possible way he could have missed shrubery growing out of the building when he goes to work every day.

  10. 9:08, who exactly is "they"?

  11. Those folks who use that road are going to have a lovely weekend

  12. 8:57-Personally speaking,I knew that building was too far gone to restore.When I read about the guy with a pipe dream to return it to it's former glory I walked around it just to make sure I was right.There was no need to get a certified inspector to verify.It was too far gone.

  13. I'd be surprised if Rob said that but I know that this building was discussed for YEARS while the sale to the current owner was held up in litigation. It was even on the town agenda. Once sold Houlihan wanted to give the new owner time to fix it. But code and compliance still should have been writing infractions for how unsafe the building was.

  14. That building is not the only building in downtown Delmar that needs help. That entire block that looks at the train tracks (excluding a newly renovated building) is in terrible shape. It could be a beautiful little block but the whole town has deteriorated over the last 30 years. Most of the houses are rentals and there seems to be no pride. The downtown could be a miniature Berlin ...tax free shopping!!

  15. Delmar is in shambles. 2 businesses just left for downtown Salisbury. Another left for Berlin. More will follow.

  16. Business leaving....dumbass Delmar has lower taxes than any place maryland. Just shut up and stop spreading lies. Even the Md side is adding jobs how they do that In maryland is a miracle look at the amphitheater that is coming along. The Delaware side downtown is really rough and both sides have work to do but it is getting better and that is good news.

  17. If the building collapsed Wednesday afternoon, Why wasn't the road closed down then? I went through there @ 6PM and 10 Firefighters were standing in the side parking lot staring at it. Why wait 2 days to protect the people?

    1. The road was closed by 8pm Wednesday night

  18. Someone needs to do some digging to find out why this building owner got special treatment for YEARS. I don't care if you're trying to sell your building or not, codes are codes. So, question might be WHO was in the payoff? Council members? Code enforcement? Town Manager? Who?
    I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't some sort of money trail. Town is too quick to write someone up for overgrown grass but left the owner of this building alone all these years. Something sure isn't right.
    At the very least, the town could have condemned this building and ordered it torn down, at the cost of the owner. Now how much is it going to cost the town because the building is now collapsing? Don't they realize the owner could possible now just walk away and flip them the bird? Stuff like this leads people to bankruptcy court quickly. He might as well, that's pretty much what's been happening for years!

  19. 12:12. The town Facebook page reported Wednesday that the road was closed. And if I am not mistaken, the town can't do that without the state highway admin saying they can.

    1. Actually the local jurisdiction can in the event of an emergency

  20. Just be sure to remember that Delmar, Maryland really cannot do anything to enforce laws on the Delaware side. The Delaware Council has to take this one.

    12:12 the road was closed as soon as the state issued the order Wednesday night or Thursday morning. When I drove through on my way to work Thursday morning it was closed. That road is under state jurisdiction.

  21. 1:39 - The town can do an EMERGENCY shut down of a road for an at any given time without permission from the state. They just can't do it for events and such without permission.

  22. Anon 12:12,

    Waiting to long to close the road,why has the council not addressed the owner and held him accountable for the needed repairs?

  23. Either way 2:08, the point is the road closed on Wednesday. It didn't take two days.

  24. I may be wrong but I heard it belongs to Chris Mills the guy who ran for political office in Maryland. I think he is a builder ???

  25. I rode by there a few days ago and noticed that the building did not look too good. Appears I was right.

  26. Earlier this week a brick fell off of that building and struck me on top of my head.For the 48 hours I actually believed everything Obama said.Fortunately for me I eventually came to my senses.

  27. Rob Thomson said...

    Rob Thompson would never have said that. He bends over backward when it comes to what the residents want. There is also a building inspector in Delmar that should be held accountable. No possible way he could have missed shrubery growing out of the building when he goes to work every day.

    March 14, 2014 at 9:26 AM

    Thanks Rob!

  28. Anonymous said...
    That building is not the only building in downtown Delmar that needs help. That entire block that looks at the train tracks (excluding a newly renovated building) is in terrible shape. It could be a beautiful little block but the whole town has deteriorated over the last 30 years. Most of the houses are rentals and there seems to be no pride. The downtown could be a miniature Berlin ...tax free shopping!!

    March 14, 2014 at 10:35 AM

    Are you talking about Delmar or Salisbury?

  29. Anonymous said...
    1:39 - The town can do an EMERGENCY shut down of a road for an at any given time without permission from the state. They just can't do it for events and such without permission.

    March 14, 2014 at 2:08 PM

    The police departments and fire departments close down roads for car accidents why can't the town or police department do it for a building collapse.

  30. 8:17, First of all, we're talking about Route 54. This is not only a main road. it's the heart of Downtown Delmar.

    Secondly, the road will be closed off for FIVE DAYS.

    I took the picture, so obviously we were one of thousands of people inconvenienced. Now, that being said, was it a big inconvenience, absolutely not. These things can happen and the Town was correct in safety first and closing the road.

    It's my understanding the owner of the building is out of town, I believe in Florida. Imagine being in his shoes and being so far away. I know it would be freaking me out.

  31. This will really hurt Downtown Delmar at the peak of their tourist season.

  32. Just one more piece of evidence of a deteriorating local economy. It is staggering to see all this poverty spread throughout the eastern shore. How about the double decker chicken house that just collapsed on Walston Switch Road right near John Walston's Moble Home Park. What if some kids were around there. The other one is getting ready to fall also.


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