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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Jim Mathias Votes Again For O’Malley’s Budget

ANNAPOLIS -- Senator Jim Mathias (D – Somerset, Wicomico & Worcester Counties) voted for Governor Martin O’Malley’s $39 billon budget (Senate bill 170). The budget includes a $1.5 billion increase in state spending over the previous year.

“Voting for O’Malley’s reckless budgets is not conservative leadership. This amounts to nothing more than surrendering to the tax-and-spend liberals that dominate the State Senate,” said Delegate Mike McDermott (R – Worcester & Wicomico Counties).

The budget includes over $72 million in funding for Obamacare in Maryland, including the failed healthcare exchange.

In addition, this budget steals $400 million from the state employee pension system over the next two years to fund O’Malley’s out of control spending.

This budget continues to steal highway user revenue from our county and city governments, which for decades was always a dedicated source of funding for local roads. This makes it more difficult for lower shore counties and cities to even maintain their roads let alone to conduct paving projects.

Senator Mathias has a long history of voting for Governor Martin O’Malley’s budgets. He has supported and voted for every budget proposed by Governor O’Malley and has included over $10 billion in increased state spending since they both took office.

Senator Mathias also voted against a pro business amendment that would have reduced state spending by a meager 1%, as well as a pro life amendment that would have eliminated $10 million in embryonic stem cell research funding.

Delegate McDermott concluded, “Once again, Jim Mathias had a chance to stand up for taxpayers on the Eastern Shore against Martin O’Malley and the liberals who rule the General Assembly. Instead, he chose to stay in his seat”.


  1. How much does it steal from the Chesapeake Bay Fund? You know, the fund we're supposed to pay the Rain Tax into?

    Where can I read this Budget?

  2. I guess this 72 million is on top of what has already been wasted on obamacare in MD. I see the democrats as total losers, making a mess out of everything they have ever touched.

  3. November is probably the last chance we'll have to save the county/city/state/country.

    We need to get good candidates, support them (not split the vote), and elect them.

  4. Let's hope that Wor. Co. voters send JM packing this fall.

  5. Another rubber stamp liberal that needs to think on his own.

  6. It's not just up to Worcester cty. It's Somerset & Wicomico as well. If he gets re-elected, we deserve what we get.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Let's hope that Wor. Co. voters send JM packing this fall.

    March 14, 2014 at 7:23 AM

    Don't forget about the Wicomico County voters.

  8. It is difficult to understand the enormity of 1.5 billion dollars. If I remember correctly that is 1500 million dollars. If I had a million dollars and spent $1000 a day it would take me over three years to spend it. If I had a billion dollars and spent $1000/day it would take over 3,300 years to spend it. What the heck are they doing with our money?

  9. You forgot to mention who works for his campaign. Jim Ireton and Chuck Cooks own little Joshua (Josh) Cook.

    Josh Cook is a liberal Democrat just like Ireton and Jim Mathias and not the "Moderate" he told the paper he was.

    By the way he is a tree hugger who plans on stealing the farmers land with the land conservancy he works for.

  10. JM works for Omalley and not the voters of Somerset and Worcester counties, it is just that simple.

  11. Jim you lost my respect and my vote.

  12. Time to clean house in the fall.

  13. When you are an elected democrat you are not suppose to think for yourself or vote against your party. They just go along with whatever the president or governor want. It is time for conservative leadership and we will never have it if we continue electing democrats.

  14. Maybe he thinks Obamalley has a chance of some national political aspirations and wants to hand on to his coat tails

  15. You forgot to mention who works for his campaign. Jim Ireton and Chuck Cooks own little Joshua (Josh) Hastings.

    Josh Hastings is a liberal Democrat just like Ireton and Jim Mathias and not the "Moderate" he told the paper he was.

    By the way he is a tree hugger who plans on stealing the farmers land with the land conservancy he works for.

  16. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 14, 2014 at 2:58 PM

    Vote this Crooked Bastard OUT. Sooner the Better.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Maybe he thinks Obamalley has a chance of some national political aspirations and wants to hand on to his coat tails

    March 14, 2014 at 9:33 AM

    You are correct. He wanted to be the Lt. Governor bad, but O'Malley chose the token to look like the good guy to get the minority votes.


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