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Sunday, February 23, 2014

When Salisbury Paid Firefighters Sleep At Night At Home, Who's Got Your Back?

Great work last night Ladies & Gentlemen
Paid Firefighters work 9-5, or so.


  1. I never could understand why the paid fire men work during the day when most fires happen at night.

  2. Grown people should be able to take care of themselves unless this is a girly town.

  3. By the volunteers' statement here, the question becomes, why have a paid FF staff at all?

    Pay for EMS and call it a day.

  4. Should I type this nice and slow so you can understand?

    Volunteer firemen are at their paying job during the day and most cannot leave their place of employment, race to the fire house, for equipment and gear, to go fight a fire.

    City of Salisbury hired men/women to work at the firehouse during the day, as volunteers are not readily available.

    Ask around at the smaller area fire companies with no paid firemen just how difficult it is to get enough volunteers to fight a daytime fire.

  5. der no der are you all that dumb?

    They work during the day because that is when less stuff happens...

    They pay them to NOT work like the rest of any one city employee...

    Look at the cops, they can't solve a case to save their own lives...

    Also to think that the city does not making any sense well that shows how crazy your own self is not to believe that they do the 100% opposite of what is right, and moral and ethical and down right what makes sense...

    HOW MANY TIMES WILL YOU PUT YOUR HAND IN THE FIRE WHEN IT BURNS YOU? exactly only a stupid person would do it more than once... SO there is your answer...

  6. 2:27, So how did Salisbury survive all those years before they had paid FF. The town is not that much bigger then it was 20-30 years ago.

  7. I have know idea why the people who comment here are so obsessed with bashing police, fire, or any emergency agency whether they are volunteer or paid. I am certain there are many causes in this community that you could volunteer for to make this a better place to live instead of spending useless time complaining. Just yesterday a young lady had an accident on an icy road and flipped her car over in my yard. I was grateful that I could call 911, I was grateful that the closest police department responded first and not who's jurisdiction it was, I was grateful for the fire company and the ambulance and whoever else came to the aid of this brave young lady. I am sure her family appreciates everyone who came to her aid as well and I know that I don't really care whether they were paid to come here or volunteered to come. Before the haters on here start saying I probably have a relative in one these agencies...I don't, I do however have a whole lot of family members who have served in the armed forces for this country with honor and I am proud to be part of a family that serves to protect and defend. So go find some way to serve, work or volunteer because what you are doing on here serves no one.

  8. They are the real HEROES , just like it used to be.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Should I type this nice and slow so you can understand?

    Volunteer firemen are at their paying job during the day and most cannot leave their place of employment, race to the fire house, for equipment and gear, to go fight a fire.

    City of Salisbury hired men/women to work at the firehouse during the day, as volunteers are not readily available.

    Ask around at the smaller area fire companies with no paid firemen just how difficult it is to get enough volunteers to fight a daytime fire.

    February 19, 2014 at 2:27 PM

    Let me type this very slowly so you can understand.

    The only reason you(the Salisbury Fire Department) don't/doesn't have adequate(if you say so) staffing during the day is because your uneducated, fat and lazy fire chief does nothing to recruit volunteers. Nothing, absolutely nothing. Do you know why? Because he and you would be without jobs.

    PG County
    Kentland Volunteer Fire Department.
    100% Volunteer 100% of the time.

  10. 4:35

    Kentland is a little different. People travel from all over to volunteer there. There people from around here that volunteer there. If anyone wants to volunteer at SFD, just go pick up an application and fill it out. You can go to 325 Cypress Street Monday - Friday 8-5.

  11. 4:35...

    I agree and there are numerous 100% volunteer companies in PG county that run alot more calls then Salisbury. I am from Ritchie 37. Also we take our firetruck or ladder truck to go and get food also...wait wait and we dont have people following us around waiting to take a photo of us at the store...

  12. Dear Let Me Type This Very Slowly,

    So, what you are saying is that both paid firemen ans volunteers work daytime jobs, but the ones who get paid get to sleep at night while the unpaid have to work all night.

    Okay, I think I've got it now...

    Signed, neither, just a taxpayer wondering where my tax money goes...

  13. "...So, what you are saying is that both paid firemen and volunteers work daytime jobs, but the ones who get paid get to sleep at night while the unpaid have to work all night."

    That can't be true. It's so ridiculous as to be beyond fiction. Is it actually true that the paid firefighters only work daytime and go home at night? No way! Somebody is pulling our legs.

  14. I swear, every time there is a post about the Salisbury/Wicomico fire departments - SBYnews lights up like a Christmas Tree. I have never seen such an outpour of sentiment when it comes to the local Fire Department.
    The number of hits on ANY FIRE DEPARTMENT ISSUE - 'goes off the Rickter Scale'

  15. can we stop making this post about us and just thank the volunteers.

  16. Yea, beacuase we all know that the paid guys sleep all night while the volunteers handle all the calls...what a joke. Joe why don't you post some volunteer response times( if they
    even get enough people to respond) instead of taking cheap shots at the career people all the time. We're supposed to have 130 something volunteers protecting the city,
    then we did we have to have half the county fire departments be alerted to come stand by
    in the city last night?? Truth is we have about 20 volunteers (maybe??) that will actually
    show up and do something on a consistent basis.

  17. Well, Beezer, if the Salisbury FD were to be operated in a responsible manner there would be a whole lot less uproar.

  18. Your spelling is about as good as the "vounteer" system in the city

  19. 6:03-Watch when someone argues in favor of global warming.That subject always draws a bunch of comments.

  20. "Whose" not "Who's" Rocket!

  21. my bad. "Who's" can also be a contraction for "Who has" as well as "Who is". the former making your headline correct

  22. Amazing picture. Great thumbnail. Smh

  23. Salisbury Volunteer.February 19, 2014 at 8:13 PM

    I was there last night, saw paid and volunteers working side by side as one team. Don't know where all this bashing of the fire service is coming from. We are ALL needed. We need each other to do this job. We train together , sometimes break bread together and bleed together. We ALL have a job to do together, so let's build a brotherhood that we had back in the 80 s together. If you are posting negatively on here YOU are the problem........WE don't need you !

  24. Get all the lazy ass unemployed moochers to work during the day we are already paying them after all you can teach a monkey to fight a fire.

  25. I'm not sure what the purpose or angle of this thread is, but I certainly know what the facts are. Salisbury utilizes a combination system of career and volunteer personnel to handle fire/EMS/Rescue emergencies. Each station has a membership of 35 certified firefighters, EMT 'S and Paramedics. There are over 60 career members assigned to various shifts to provide the needed coverage 365 days a year. The placement and shift schedules are designed to provide needed coverage based on very detailed statistics of daily call volumes.

    The Career component of the department was initiated as far back as 1886 when a man was hired for 1 dollar a day to maintain the departments steam fire engine. The insurance underwriters mandated a staff of paid firefighters to supplement the volunteers members in 1947. This practice continues to this day.That's the history of the matter that you can research at any time.

    While you slept last night the members both Volunteer and career handled two working structure fires and several medical emergencies. There was no sleep for either side of the fence and nobody complained. During the incidents members from Salisbury worked tirelessly with members from Fruitland, Allen, Delmar, Hebron and Parsonsburg to protect this city. There was no Paid vs Volunteer agendas or problems. Each member did as they always do and work toward a common goal with one purpose in mind. To protect the life and property of the citizens they serve. Those are the facts of the matter.

  26. If I were to join as a volunteer fireman, will I have access priviledges to the best gym equipment on the entire eastern shore. I have seen the Nordtracs, weight benches, treadmills, and all of the other state of the art gym equipment.

  27. Union clap traps-- Barrie Tighlmann was a small town Mayor who thought she made the big time and the big time means kissing the Rosie Red of unions.. without the slightest bit6 of respect or civility to anyone in her way..wonder what the pay off was for Barrie?-- another Progressive land deal?

  28. Listen, I am a county tax payer and Fruitland volunteers cover where I live. The real answer here is thank GOD we have fire protection plain and simple. I know when and if I have to call 911 I don't care who is on the truck as long as they come. I don't ask if they are on overtime, or if they left WAWA or if their dinner is on the table or if they were helping their child with homework, I only want to tell them THANKS for responding. I have no interest, I am not a volunteer or a paid fireman I am just a home owner taxpayer.

  29. Someone made a comment about volunteers can't leave their job.
    That is not true! I let my people go to fires . Do your home work.
    Most work places will allow if your work can be covered or made up.

  30. Anonymous said...

    Kentland is a little different. People travel from all over to volunteer there. There people from around here that volunteer there. If anyone wants to volunteer at SFD, just go pick up an application and fill it out. You can go to 325 Cypress Street Monday - Friday 8-5.

    February 19, 2014 at 4:49 PM

    And the same thing could happen in Salisbury if the wannabe fire chief who goes by the name of Hoppes would promote volunteerism.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Yea, beacuase we all know that the paid guys sleep all night while the volunteers handle all the calls...what a joke. Joe why don't you post some volunteer response times( if they
    even get enough people to respond) instead of taking cheap shots at the career people all the time. We're supposed to have 130 something volunteers protecting the city,
    then we did we have to have half the county fire departments be alerted to come stand by
    in the city last night?? Truth is we have about 20 volunteers (maybe??) that will actually
    show up and do something on a consistent basis.

    February 19, 2014 at 7:15 PM

    Thank you for proving the point that Rick Hoppes is a failure at being the fire chief. Rick Hoppes is a failure at being an administrator who is concerned about the budget and tries to form a volunteer recruitment and retention program.

  32. Anonymous said...
    If I were to join as a volunteer fireman, will I have access priviledges to the best gym equipment on the entire eastern shore. I have seen the Nordtracs, weight benches, treadmills, and all of the other state of the art gym equipment.

    February 19, 2014 at 8:51 PM

    Yes you would and you would be about the only one that uses it. Speaking of Hoppes he should spend a couple of hours a day in that gym. I hear he wears a size Tent.

  33. Bryan thanks for the information, but it's a different message than this thread. I love your knowledge of the history though. Keep up the good work.

  34. The career staff works 24 hour shifts and staffs stations during the day. Interesting photo for this post considering the group shown is half volunteer, half career. Goes to show that you cant tell the difference of who is who, nor should it matter.

  35. 4:53 PM I don't think the public would have much of a problem with the volunteers taking the apparatus out to get something to eat occasionally. After all you are doing it for free and saving the tax payers millions of dollars a year. I as a tax payer would support a volunteer department just like you would see in PG County.

  36. Anonymous said...

    Kentland is a little different. People travel from all over to volunteer there. There people from around here that volunteer there. If anyone wants to volunteer at SFD, just go pick up an application and fill it out. You can go to 325 Cypress Street Monday - Friday 8-5.

    February 19, 2014 at 4:49 PM

    So what if Kentland is a little different. Maybe our p!ss poor leadership can learn from them and do the same thing. It can't be that difficult!!

  37. Anonymous said...
    Well, Beezer, if the Salisbury FD were to be operated in a responsible manner there would be a whole lot less uproar.

    February 19, 2014 at 7:22 PM


    Fire the fire chief Rick Hoppes and the deputy fire chief John Tull. Get a new fire chief and watch who sucks up to them the quickest then fire them. Problems solved.

  38. 10:36 PM claims the career staff works? That is a misnomer.

  39. I am a like soooo OffendedFebruary 23, 2014 at 4:56 PM

    I am repulsed their are no GAY Fireman present here...

  40. 4:56 pm NO black fireman or no female firemen. The females only ride the ambulance because they are Paramedics and they are forced to ride the ambulance more than the firefighter EMTs.

  41. 11:03 the women choose to ride the ambulances. Sometimes they do ride the fire truck. There are firefighters of all race there also.

  42. 1103 look at the picture to the post there is a female in fire gear!!!!!


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