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Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 2-19-14

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Small Town American Dream":

Actually I moved to Delmarva from New Jersey nearly 20 years ago. I loved the area and still do but last year we gave up and left. The area has been in decline for a long time and we saw the writing on the wall. So you born here's go ahead and take your shots. You don't have much left and as you cry the blues I'm enjoying the wonderful weather and great job I have now living in Florida. They understand that newcomers creat jobs, and help with progress. I guess that's why swfll is the fastest growing area in the country! Delmarva not so much. It's the mentality... They greet you with a smile unlike you born here's who don't welcome much anything...... Like progress....


  1. 7:37 we expect that type of response. Only further validates his point. Stupid is as stupid does.

  2. I'd say don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out lived here all my life. BUT if The Communist state of Maryland keeps on us born here's are gonna have no choice but leave. This state is going straight down the tubes fast!

  3. @7:48,

    Based on the elitist attitude in the original comment I don't think we owe them a thing. They probably had this attitude the whole time they lived here so why don't you step down off your high horse there bud.

  4. Read my " Old Bay " stained lips
    " No new DNA "

  5. 7:58 There was nothing elitist about the comment. But yours reeks of insecurity and ignorance. Not once did he say he was owed anything.

    Just keep oozing that eastern shore charm (hostility) that he was talking about.

  6. We've always had our ups and downs here in Gods country.We slip a bit but we always rebound.At this time we are in a transitional phase that most of the nation is also in.I for one am glad to hear that Fla is doing so well during these trying times,but I would never leave Delmarva for any reason.If that mentality makes me a loser then so be it.

  7. @8:10

    There is plenty of hospitality to go around on the shore though it's easy to see why you and the original commenter have never experienced it. You continuously insult the Eastern Shore and expect people to be friendly towards you for it? Now that IS some ignorance.

  8. I'm jealous...
    Just got back from the Keys and still depressed.

  9. 8:21 I am sorry you perceive stating the obvious as an insult. I was warned prior to moving here, how the natives were.

    Please note who the first comment of the post came from and the tone.... that pretty much sums it up now doesn't it?

    Keep blaming everyone but yourselves... oh but wasn't that partly the point of the article.

  10. 7:58 are you a Native American? or some descendant of the European trash that CAME HERE and killed my forefathers? ..SHOREBILLIES are SQUATTERS too

  11. Yep, decline started about a score ago.

  12. @8:28,

    And the original comment was posted as an insult tell me again why we should be groveling for them to stay? They posted that knowing it was inflammatory.

    Shore born and raised and I have no problem with outsiders so long as they don't act like they are better than the "natives" (condescending term, yes?) or anyone else for that matter, which by the way is clearly the attitude they have.

  13. As a "come here", "stranger" & "other side of the bridger" who has lived on the Eastern Shore for over 6 years, I can relate to the insights of this post.

    When I moved here, I was shocked to learn how so many people who are "from heres" are so prejudice against and judgmental of me and others that have not lived in the area for all of our lives.

    While 7:37 & 7:58 serve as "Poster Children" to whom I am referring to, there are many intelligent and rational people who are not prejudice & embrace change and who are appreciative of "us strangers."

  14. 8:34 your words reveal your true self. No one asked you to "grovel" to make us stay.

    a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not:

    Explain to me how this word is condescending?

    Again a true native revealing the chip on their shoulder, preconceived notions and poor attitude towards others not native to the region.

    Keep showing your true colors.

  15. 8:39, "to whom I was referring to"
    I know you are trying to appear educated, but try again. Sometimes it's our attitudes that earn us the response we get from the "from heres." "To whom I was referring"

  16. 9:06 goes both ways, huh.

    The "born heres" already have a reputation that precedes them.

    Do you get that?

  17. 9:23 you are about 2 hours too late, try to catch up to the conversation.

  18. I'm a 30+ year come here. I haven't experienced anything like this comment suggests. Quite the opposite actually. It is all about attitude and accepting that certain things are a way of life around here like hunting and farming for instance.

  19. @8:58,

    Your arrogance just continues to show, if you hate the shore so much why are you still here commenting?

    As stated I have no issue with someone wanting to move to the shore and enjoy it here but your continued attitude shows why you were treated like an outsider and felt unwelcome.

    I get the feeling you rub people the wrong way anywhere you go...

  20. "I guess that's why swfll is the fastest growing area in the country!"

    This statement is false.

  21. 9:18, You are assuming 9:06 is a from here. I think you might be wrong. Maybe you don't get it as much as you think you do. Reputations are individually earned. Try not to make the mistake of lumping everyone in one category. Didn't your mother teach you about making "ass -umptions?"

  22. 9:35 I never said I had a problem with anyone, nor did I state I felt like an outsider, or unwelcome.

    Pretty broad assumptions, but I am used to that from small minded people who have run out of valid thoughts to substantiate their side of an opinion.

    Thank you for granting us your approval to move here. Oh and thank you for the chuckle.

    You chide others for what you perceive as insults while throwing down a sentence full of them. Typical.

  23. 9:47 I made no assumptions.
    I do not indicate where 9:06 is from in my comment.
    But good for you, to show me how to make an ass-umption out of myself by following your lead.

  24. 9:34 and welfare, gangs and drugs.

  25. 9:47 is assuming that 9:18 is assuming so what does that make 9:47?
    The pot or the kettle?

  26. This was written on the city data blog in 2007 - so tell me, 7 years later, what has changed?

    Salisbury, MD is not a great place to live. There is nothing for kids to do because there are no recreation parks and activities unless you can afford the newly built sports arena in Fruitland (for certain people) or the karate place's that have sprung up.

    Transplants are treated like suspects and there are no jobs to support all the new homes being built everywhere.

    In the rural areas all you smell is chicken manure in the summer time. The largest industry is poultry and not everyone can stomach those Perdue plants (which pay horrible). This is the ideal community for retirees or people that are independently wealthy...but for anyone who has to work for a living and doesn't have their own business or family to get them a job thru nepotism ....Salisbury ain't the place. Just being honest...I've been there and done that

  27. Natives superficially pleasant, but profoundly xenophobic.

  28. 9:18 made at least two assumptions. First, by saying goes both ways, is referring to both sides of the issue. And since they are clearly a come here, no assumption needs to be make that they are talking about come heres. Second, to say that born heres have a reputation preceding them makes an assumption about all born heres. I don't think 9:47 needed to make or was making any assumptions at all. LOL! Guess that makes me a pot AND a kettle.

  29. why didn't they just go to Florida in the first place. Enjoy July and August in SW FLA

  30. Born heres love the money come heres pay for plots of land their ancestors took for nothing.
    It provides for Aristocrat names like Tighlmann or Twilley who some get elected to office based upon assumption they will look out for the local's interest. Those born heres live their lives on plenty of false assumptions and phony hubris.

  31. 10:17 "it goes both ways" are the laws of nature, not an assumption.

    Based on previous blog postings as far back as 2007 noting the reputation of "born here's" would clearly define it not to be an assumption.

    Just keep digging yourself further into that hole and perpetuating that good old boys eastern shore stereotype.

  32. 10:17 LOL you are simply clueless and I am not assuming.

  33. Salisbury is a miserable place in and of itself. If you are looking for close proximity to the shore or to the college, then it serves a purpose but it is not a place to call home. If you must work in Salisbury -even that is tricky because of the odd mentality there - live outside the town and commute in. We worked in Salisbury for 4 years and it was really hard to get folks who were conscientious, with a good work ethic or even kind.

  34. @9:58

    You just don't get it do you? Your negative, insulting, and obnoxious attitude are the reason you were treated as unwelcome here.

    Don't expect a move to Florida to change how people treat you, you get what you give and all you give is arrogance.

    As for my "approval" I was just trying to give you a little perspective from a local that we don't hate all outsiders, just ones with entitlement issues like you ;)

  35. @10:31,

    2007? Wow talk about historical data, way to go Mr. Anthropologist!

    Go any other information from random websites you want to share?

  36. 10:41 try comprehending this time.

    I never said I felt unwelcome,
    never said I was entitled,
    do not put words in my post that do not exist.

    Talk about arrogant .. thank you for solidifying the cultural mentality that exists in this area.

  37. New Jersey.....not known for their pleasant attitude. Good luck in FL. I work down their occasionally, never heard any positive comments on the NJ transplants.

  38. Wow. So much back and forth from those who know what it's like to be from here and those who didn't fit in. I am a from here, a been there, and can't wait to get back to being a full time from here. From personal experience, the majority of "from heres" are gracious, generous and honest people. They treat guests as famil. And until they prove themselves not to be worth the effort, they welcome new neighbors and new experiences. What they do NOT welcome is rudeness, arrogance, entitlement, and crass behavior and language. If that makes us/them backwards and unfriendly, then so be it. I can live with that. If you want to go to Florida, GO! From the sounds of things, I will ASSUME you won't be missed!

  39. What seems to be a common admission from the born here's, is their perception, that come here's have the attitude that they are "better than them".

    They are so ingrained with this misconception, that they are blind to the fact that it exists.

    And it is easier to blame others, instead of admitting your own faults.

    Look at the grief Joe takes. He has, for years, championed for the betterment of the community and every single time you will have some ignoramus comment on the fact that he was not born here.

  40. 11:08 wow talk about assumptions and generalizations.

  41. 11:08 Funny post! Yea born heres are never rude, crass, arrogant, entitled, or use foul language.

  42. To both 11:15 and 11:17, I think the remarks were prefaced with "from personal experience." I read that to mean the people he/she knows and I didn't take that to be assumptions. You guys just want to be right so badly that you can't see any other position.

  43. 11:26 so if the born here comments based on personal experience it is not an assumption,
    but if a come here comments based on personal experience it is an assumption?

  44. Consider the source....they are from New Jersey. Maybe now that they are down in warm weather they can take those socks off with their sandles! LOL LOL

  45. 11:35, HEY, I resemble that remark! LOL

  46. Governor Schaffer called the Eastern Shore a "Shithouse" but really it is much worse.

  47. @10:53

    No need for those words to come from your mouth as we can all see from your comments that it is the truth.

    "And it is easier to blame others, instead of admitting your own faults."

    And the man moving to Florida that blames the locals for his inability to fit in is a perfect example of this. Looks like its a trait not exclusive to the Shore after all.

  48. Salisbury and the Eastern Shore is as close as you're going to get to Arkansas in Maryland.

  49. Southern charm and hospitality is clearly a thing of the past.

  50. Give it up, people. If you don't like it here, leave. If you do, stay. Move on! What irritates me most of all is the absolute of each side. There are peaches on all sides and rotten apples as well. Eat a peach!

  51. 11:50 I am not the man from Florida, nor did I ever say I was.

    I live here.

    Goes to prove my point, about a lot things.

    Nice Ass-umption-ing

  52. Maybe in your world, Joe, but not in mine. Maybe you should look at those with whom you are keeping company.

  53. Lordy Lordy, southerners also have comprehension issues.

    The man never said he didn't fit in, get off it. You look like stooges fighting your self with made up issues.

  54. 11:55, You need to think a little harder in what you are saying.

    The PERSONAL company that I keep is VERY different from the company I keep here on this Blog.

  55. 11:55 all has has to do is read the 100's of foul comments a day he gets from the community, to form his opinion.

  56. Then I would hope your personal company would exude grace and hospitality. I would agree the company you keep on this blog epitomizes what is wrong with this world, in general, of course.

  57. The first line of the post explains it all. Joiseyites are the most arrogant SOBs in the world. It is a real shame that when the US attacked Iraq, they didn't save a bomb or two to send Jersey out into the Atlantic.

  58. 12:02, But you'd never have the stones to say it to their face.

  59. Joe, if southern charm and hospitality are a thing of the past in your life, maybe you should change something. Who would want to live like that? I have always found that you get what you give. Distance yourself from those who aren't charming and hospitable!

  60. I see we have now degraded this post to wishing death on people.
    Sad sad sad

  61. Southern charm and hospitality do not come from geography. They come from lessons learned at home. Too many of these posters missed that in their upbringing, no matter where they were "from."

  62. 12:06, Where do you people come up with such BS?

    I certainly do not need an anonymous person suggesting how to change my life and or who I should or shouldn't have surrounding me.

    I can assure you, I have some of the finest people I have ever had the luxury of knowing and associating with.

    Why don't you look at all the Anti Albero Blogs that had been created to bash my Wife, Grandson and our Children over the past 9 years, including Mayor Jim Ireton.

    Yeah, the Eastern Shore is loaded with southern hospitality, my ass. Say what you want about ME but to attack innocent women and children, you've got screws loose.

  63. Depends on what part of NJ. S. Jersey is just as redneck/hillbilly as the E. Shore. N. Jersey is just a suburb of NYC.

  64. You got it wrong, Joe. I meant the change should be to stay away from those who aren't showing you hospitality. There are plenty of people who obviously like what you do and who would be gracious. Everything is not an attack. Guess I didn't make myself clear. Sorry.

  65. 12:06 that "get what you give is so worn out". you can be nice as pie and still get kicked in the stones.

  66. @11:55

    And what points were those exactly? All I see is whining. Man from Florida? Reread the comment and you will see its man moving to Florida. Reading > You.


    So don't even bother trying is what you're saying?


    Personal attacks are a universal thing, there are nasty people the world over.

  67. bottom line:
    Delmarva/Eastern Shore born and raised are, for the most part, decent people. most are family oriented, conservative and attend church at least periodically.

    Others from outlying cities come here to visit and see the laid back attitude, the beauty of the area and all the great seafood, fresh produce and home cooking and think this is where I want to live/retire.

    Then the "others" decide they want to "change" us to a more liberal society and develop every piece of land until we don't look like what they came here for to begin with.

    Know this: We really don't want your liberal ways. Yes; we will listen to you, but we still remain conservative for the most part. As far as development is concerned; we like "some" development but NOT develop every plot of land possible.

    As a professional business person, I've have seen a lot in the past 45 years and have come in contact with a lot of liberal leaning "come heres" that are un-happy with this area after they have settled in and see we really don't like their ideas of life.

    Take from this what you will. This is just my observation. Not all come heres dislike this area, so that should tell you something. Yes; we certainly have our share of problems because we get apathetic and allow liberals to get into leadership positions they have no business in. But for the most part I and my family love it here.

  68. 10:34, I'M CLUELESS? Go back to New Jersey.

  69. 12:41
    Man FROM florida - "I have now living in Florida"

    Nice hissy fit when you cant even read.

  70. 12:41 "So don't even bother trying is what you're saying?"

    No, I do not see that sentence anywhere in my comment. Do you? I simply made a statement about your worn out cliche'.

  71. Yes, Florida is so welcoming you can be shot for loud music or walking through a nieghborhood on the "good" side of the tracks. Florida is only welcoming to people getting ready to die and criminal bankers stowing their money in Florida real estate. Good ridence.

  72. bla bla bla do most of you people type just to hear yourself talk? don't be talkin' smack about pee wee's (jimbo) playhouse, we suck in a genuine way. that's a rap.

  73. @ 1:15

    Worn out saying? Sorry, I guess we can't all go around being as negative and pessimistic as you.

    If you continuously spew hate and anger it's going to come back and bite you, fact of life mate. I'd say the saying still applies.

  74. Remember there is NO LIFE WEST AND SOUTH OF THE CHEASAPEAKE BAY AND NORTH OF WILMINGTON. If you don't like life here move on it's that simple...stop your whining and go to Cuba...I mean FL.

  75. 12:42pm head the nail on the head...couldnt say it any better!

    This wasnt called " The land of pleasant living" for nothing!
    Atleast until they built that confounded bridge.

  76. What I don't understand is why there are so many people that called themselves republicans in a county with a per capita income below $20,000/yr. I thought the republicans were wealthy white people? Could it be that the ES republicans align themselves with the GOP because of the religious views? Remember the good old days when Regan was in office and interest rates were 14-15% and inflation was through the roof? There economy was doing week under Clinton unit the tech bubble burst and the same for Bush. The economy recovered from 9/11 but crashed with the housing bubble cause by relaxed regulations on banking. Obama has not helped anyone other than the ultra wealthy/ultra poor. Face the facts. The middle class gets the shaft regardless of who in the the White House. Locally, you are in worse shape because the poorest republicans are now on the gov't programs and you elect incompetent officials.

  77. Don't get me wrong, I will be leaving MD soon, but Floriduh is in the top 5 of last places I would move too. Good luck though.

  78. I'm a from here, but I have several come here friends. The only people who get the cold shoulder around here are those who are either uppity or do not wish to blend. If you move to a place and wish to remain an outsider, then you can't really complain when the locals grant you your wish. It all boils down to people skills, attitude and the way a person carries themselves.

    I lived in a major metropolitan area for over a decade in my 20s and 30s and had no problem finding friends, most of which were locals to the area.

    Jerks don't fit in anywhere.

  79. I align myself with the Republicans because we literally cannot afford more of the liberal tax hikes. You think the tax and spend Democrats like Norm Conway are on your side for giving handouts, but they are really killing any chance that you or are area have of being prosperous.

  80. To 4:51: Now that is a comment worthy of a post, "Jerks don't fit in anywhere." And for Joe to say that southern hospitality is a thing of the past, I would say maybe you are looking for it from the wrong people. I have no problem experiencing it every day. Mirrors, people, mirrors!

  81. You can't expect southern charm and hospitality when you immediately go on the attack when someone tries to say something positive. If you misunderstand something, instead of cursing at the anonymous commenter, why not take a step back, read what they said ( and their clarification and apology)and offer some charm of your own. 12:06 didn't attack anyone, especially women and children. Seems to me they were trying to be "charming." But they certainly weren't deserving of the response you threw out at them.

  82. She is right. I am a from here. I am 5th generation from one of the original English settlers who settled in Dorchester County in the late 1600's. I have traveled to different parts of the country, and I have always found people to be friendlier in the south and in the Midwest. The unfriendliest people I have encountered are here in the mid Atlantic region and New England. But even those areas are friendlier than here. I am here because of family and mainly my aging parents. I definitely plan on leaving as well within the next ten years for the south. Mainly North Carolina. People are nicer and more welcoming and the climate is milder. Taxes are even lower and its cheaper to retire there.

  83. SWFLA is one of the best places to live, work and enjoy life....

  84. I can't believe that this post got all this response.
    I see very important post about the condition of our country , state , county and cities.
    I see the country is going hell and this crap gets so much attention.
    Maybe the eastern shore is the $hit house.
    I guess it's the mentality of the residents. Know wonder!

  85. I agree with 5:45. Perhaps ex-Governor Schaefer's assessment of the Eastern Shore is totally accurate. A lot of the come here's always ask me "How long have you lived here? and Where are you from?"
    Mostly a bunch of ignorant and nepotistic and narrow-minded Shorebillies with an uneducated redneck-mentality live here who shun and try to drive out people who have lived in other sections of the U.S. They want things to stay the same and hate change which is why this area is going downhill fast.

  86. @5:45,

    We cant take you seriously if you can't even get "No Wonder" right. Try fixing your grammar before trying to insult an entire population.


    Based on what? Oh right, it's not, you're just being a troll.

  87. @7:40,

    You the honest hardworking people of the shore but yet your comment reeks of ignorance and narrow-mindedness.

    We don't hate change here on the shore but we also don't want the urban sprawl and crime associated with the western shore, is that too much to ask?

  88. 7:48 here, forgot a word, *You insult the honest hardworking people....* oops!

  89. No 7:54. You got it right the 1st time. The come here's are in fact the honest hardworking people and don't rely on the prejudice from here's who are nepotistic and inferior workers for the most part. People who get hired for important positions around here are based on whether they are a longtime local or a family member or relative when they should be hired based on their intelligence and qualifications.

  90. Darwin most likely has a theory about the evolution of comments on this thread. The land of the missing thumbs! lol

  91. 8:42, Once again, To label those that grew up here and live here as uneducated and narrow minded just shows your ignorance and narrow mindedness. Stay Classy.

  92. Any area that is ran by Democrats will be in decline. Look at Detroit.

  93. 5:45 p.m. ...and yet, you commented!

  94. As the late Rodney King would have said if he were still alive...

    “People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? Can we get along!?”

  95. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    February 19, 2014 at 7:37 AM

    Where are you going?

  96. One thing to remember is that all the "from here's" were actually "come here's" at one time.

    With that said they are no better than the newbies that just came here.

  97. As a City of Salisbury employee and I can't tell you how many times I have been stabbed in the back by my co-workers who are trying to get promoted. They have gone to extreme extents to do the best damage they can do to ruin my reputation. Why? Because I am more trained and educated than they are and I actually do work. Most of the other employees are watching TV or playing games like Solitaire on the computer. Most of the locals are ignorant and depend on the good ole boy system to get promoted. They will do anything to jump over someone to get to the top. The bad thing about it is the top management help them do it and they get away with it. Every time there is an opportunity for a promotion the criteria changes to fit the person that top management wants promoted. I am confident this is happening in all departments in the City of Salisbury and I would like to hear others comment on their problems with City of Salisbury departments. They make he rules as they go along. This is something that Jim Ireton has known even before he was elected and he has yet to do anything about it.

    I would like to see this posted as a letter to the editor and see the horror stories about employment with the City of Salisbury. I am confident people will speak out.

  98. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8:42, Once again, To label those that grew up here and live here as uneducated and narrow minded just shows your ignorance and narrow mindedness. Stay Classy.

    February 20, 2014 at 9:23 AM

    You may be offended, but there is a lot of truth to that statement.

  99. 12:33 - Unfortunately, much of what you related also transpires within many businesses & city/county offices in Worcester County. A lot of selfishness & greed, and few morals & values.

    If more of these types of people would grasp the reality that in 50-100 years from now they will all be merely reduced to a bunch of fleshless bones sprawled out in a box 6' under or as scattered ashes in a cremation urn sitting on someone shelf then maybe, just maybe, they would be more selfless and grasp the fact that life 'aint all about the money and they would help their neighbors and others out more rather than being evil towards others.

  100. Pizza joints and the like do not constitute restaurants,not in a town that used to boast multiple seafood restaurants.Other than Watermans, most of the places only open in the summer and screw us all the rest of the year.

  101. Red Lobster is busy all year long and that speaks volumes.

  102. 2:41 Is that an insult or a compliment?

  103. Good ole boy = democrat way of thinking.

  104. I moved here 21 yrs ago to get married.

    My first response was that the people in the quick stop were really rude.

    They're like that, just deal with it, was my wife's response.

    In the intervening years, I have made friends with watermen, firefighters, police, professors and tradesmen. Like anywhere else in the world, people usually respond to being treated well.

    I started a business here and thrived. The catch, none of my income comes from the shore.

    At some point in the last few yrs, I woke up. I can live anywhere and thrive. We are living in the seventh fastest shrinking economy in the country. As far as I can tell, the largest majority of people moving here are relatives of the inmates in Princess Anne, incoming from Baltimore. They set up shot here and then when Junior gets out of prison, they all stay.

    It's time for me to leave, too.

    I have lived a wonderful, water centric life here. But between the fact that the largest industry in this city is college rentals and what that is doing to my property value, I feel I have no choice.


  105. Personal perspective, but I moved to Salisbury 20 years ago from elsewhere on the Shore. What struck me most was that there are so few Shore natives living in this area. The 'locals' that most of you find so offensive are not natives. They just moved here before you did.

  106. Wow I never thought my post would be that interesting....I grew up in north jersey... Spent summers at the jersey shore.. Happened to get invited to oc in the early 90s and loved the area. Delmarva is a wonderful place!!! We moved to SWFl because of much better jobs, opportunities for my kids, oh and the weather doesn't hurt. I've met many wonderful people and miss them but we did what was right for our family. I have no doubt it was the best choice we have ever made. The shore is a mess and there isn't much left to carry it. If you born here's can afford to live with nothing good for you. I chose progress, year around outdoor living and great people. You locals hate outsiders and that would explain the drop in tourism. After reading these posts it even clearer my choice was right. You people are becoming a poison..... To yourselves and everyone around you.......good luck with your titanic..... The iceberg has been hit and it's going down.... No life boats left.


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